Bernice Juach

Making parishioners donate large amounts of money to build or renovate buildings then continually asking parishioners for more money to continually grow the assets of the church? All while covering up other scandals?

Jesus I don't think Jenny Slate produced one laugh in her entire SNL season. Looks like this show might redeem her?

Considering this is only really advertising to people who already subscribe, I'd say Netflix blue it.

I agree it is provocative and interesting, but I'm not sure I agree any of the characters  discussed are positively or realistically displaying the reality of autism.

The only way I can see various story lines tying together… I'm fairly certain that Richard Harrow is going to kill Gyp Rosetti.

The only way I can see various story lines tying together… I'm fairly certain that Richard Harrow is going to kill Gyp Rosetti.

Noel, I actually very much agree with you, so please don't view prior or future comments in douchiness, I'm just trying to make good conversation.

Noel, I actually very much agree with you, so please don't view prior or future comments in douchiness, I'm just trying to make good conversation.

I think I've always been amused, in regards to any show/movie, to avoid spoilers by avoiding documented history. Like if I had to warn you when watching Schindler's List that the Holocaust would end in 1945. SPOILER ALERT HITLER DOESNT ACHIEVE GLOBAL DOMINANCE.

I think I've always been amused, in regards to any show/movie, to avoid spoilers by avoiding documented history. Like if I had to warn you when watching Schindler's List that the Holocaust would end in 1945. SPOILER ALERT HITLER DOESNT ACHIEVE GLOBAL DOMINANCE.

Let's be careful with all this avoiding "spoilers" by checking wikipedia thing. The show's creators have all along claimed this was a slightly fictionalized account of the prohibition era, and tonight's episode, especially in regards to Remus, prove that the writers are willing to break from historical fact (in

Let's be careful with all this avoiding "spoilers" by checking wikipedia thing. The show's creators have all along claimed this was a slightly fictionalized account of the prohibition era, and tonight's episode, especially in regards to Remus, prove that the writers are willing to break from historical fact (in

I was really hoping that in Nucky’s confusion he would order Teddy's execution.

I was really hoping that in Nucky’s confusion he would order Teddy's execution.

Hey Staff
Do you have any review/commentary that you are going to do for the iPad's Sword & Sworcery: EP? The fusion of quirk, music soundtrack, unbelievable retro visuals, and solid adventure/puzzle elements make this game seem ripe for avclub analysis.

I rewatched Snyder's Dawn of the Dead
It has Phil from Modern Family and he's crackin' wise and at one point films himself banging this other chick from behind. Also the girl from Avonlea.

I think it might have been creatively edited to exaggerate the attendance, and the sales figures were probably just entirely fabricated.

When speculating on Oscar chances…
All you need to do is check the betting odds, they are rarely wrong. For what its worth, Inside Job is the favorite, with Exit Through The Gift Shop closely behind, and Restrepo being the long shot.

Hey Hitler, remember when I told you I would kill you last?
I lied.

I dont agree with people getting offended by Gervais, but since when did hosting an awards ceremony become and all-out mean spirited roast? There's always some playful toying around with audience members, but insulting an actor's entire career to a silent audience is just bad television. This isnt some censorship