Bernice Juach

L4D gave me the chance to have a teammate by my side, 2 teammates facing opposite behind me, as we stand in a narrow hallway staving off 100 zombies, meleeing if our reloads time poorly. I've never had anything close to this before and it still is amazing.

I have a question about FFX. Early on, when you compete in that water-ball tournament thing, is it possible to win? If so, what happens? My team was terrible and we got pwned out fo the tournament. I've always wondered what happens if you win.

What were the studio predictions for New Moon?
If you set an over/under for it at 70 million, I would have predicted under. My guess would be around a 50 million haul. If anything, I felt the box office returns would diminish as more sequels come out due to the perception of the poor quality of the series, etc. I

Im confused as to why I've never heard about this.

Wow… so surprisingly bad
Just finished the first episode and was dumbfounded how stupid this show was, especially based on how cool the commercials looked, the fact that it was on AMC, etc. So bad that Im not even going to bother watching the second episode which is airing now.

Horribly veiled is right.

Ken has good looks?


Lopez. Latenight. 'Leven.

I guess I dont have a problem with Firefly being on the top 30 shows of the decade - but I at least hope it was a difficult decision.

The show has implied in the past that there is only 1 major company of a certain product per ad agency, as to not create large privacy/conflict of interest issues. I just assumed that McCann already had a major hotel client and it was clear that Hilton wouldnt be able to come on.

Let's talk business
1. I've never been in sales, but I still don't understand how the individual who "has" the account can be that important. I dont understand how a client like Clearasil, etc, would "follow" Pete if he were to get a new job. Same goes with them bringing Lucky Strike to some new, apparently very

This reminds me of the serious discussions I attempt to have in my personal life.

Over/under on Joss Whedon's net worth
800,000 dollars.

The worst is when a TV actor is in a commercial - and they arent "playing themselves" in the commercial. They are just functioning as a commercial actor. Like Felicia Day in the Sears/Best Buy commercials, or whatever it was.

For Phelps - what is the line between joking that someone mumbles a lot and actually diagnosing them with a speech impediment? He simply does not speak correctly, even when annunciating.

Feel bad for Elizabeth Moss
It's funny how much the character of Peggy Olsen is reflected in real life by Elizabeth Moss. I'll squirm if they tack her on in a Mad Men spoof and 99% of he audience doesnt recognize her again.

Why does USA always have to go with the "not very serious crime show" route? I was kind of on board with White Collar when I saw the pilot, a bit leery that it might be a buddy show with more far fetched premises.

Looks like Benjamin MacKenzie is going the James VanDerBeek route. These guys really need better agents/managers.