Hey! Shaobo Qin wasn't exactly a star, a little fact you failed to remember. He took a BIG RISK on that guy.
Hey! Shaobo Qin wasn't exactly a star, a little fact you failed to remember. He took a BIG RISK on that guy.
So for It's Always Sunny
I'll do it. Seriously.
Let me give some thoughts on Poehler. I dont generally hate her work, though am not really sure why people are exactly impressed with her SNL work. She did a great Hillary, she also did a few hundred terrible skits where she wasnt funny. She was great in UCB and great in Arrested Development (but hell with that…
At first I thought it was suffering mostly from the obvious comparisons to The Office and 30 Rock… but then I realized that Amy Poehler isn't all that funny and the writing was generally weak. Not a terrible sitcom, but really just not worth watching.
Arghhh but I want to read at least 3 threads on Extract flopping.
Does avclub skip "Weekend Box Office" just because it's Tuesday?
I think this happened on the last holiday weekend, and I waited all day for it.
Josh Modell's "101 Terrible Things about David Cross's Sister"
Definitely buying this
Claire really made me feel comfortable with this whole watching American Idol/Hating American Idol/Loving American Idol/talking copiously about American Idol. If it were some hacky blogger I probably would've ditched this weird position long ago, I find most things I read way beneath me because…
Add "Trainees in training all of a sudden thrust into the real thing" to the cliches list
Also, GI Jane. There are others. Stripes.
Sideways with the guy from the Others and the fat chick.
Clint: It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have.
Fhtagn I wasnt being exactly literal, but close - it only played in 2 theaters nationwide. I think the Philly theater was just advertising for next week.
Yeah they should've retitled it "Labor Day".
If they simply titled the next Halloween movie "October 31st", I honestly wouldnt be that surprised.
I was set to go see it… then realized it wasn't playing anywhere. Not even at the artsy theaters.
Cabin boy, count me in with that. Im sick of hearing how much worse X3 was than X2 - I always thought X2 was equally terrible.
It feels like avclub has a different goal when "reviewing" video games, obviously avoiding the in-depth technical game review and instead going for a quick, personal musing on the author's experience and thoughts on the game. This, combined with the late release of reviews (I promise to get off that complaint now)…
Haha the game accuses you of looking stuff on on the net? Nice.
I really enjoy the avclub's video game coverage, but the practice of releasing reviews well after a game's release really hurts them. Why don't you (avclub) get pre-release copies just like any other legit videogame publication?