Yeah Im not sure about this either - cnn reported it a few days ago, but just today I guess it became "official".
Yeah Im not sure about this either - cnn reported it a few days ago, but just today I guess it became "official".
Since when
is administering poisonous levels of drugs that will likely either send the patient into a coma or cause death considered murder?
Oh and dont forget that its always raining and very muddy when they have to do pushups and what not.
Ive been perusing the comments and this is one of the best ones so far. Tack on - one of the cadets laughing under his breath and the Drill Sargent questioning that.
Licking the chocolate/whatever off an upside-down spoon
Think Laura Dern is Jurassic Park. She is crying - but oh wait! - that upside down lick of the spoon seems to make everything just right.
An example of how expensive things like the craft food tables are
Crouch Tiger had a budget of 15 million. Taking Woodstock has people sliding around in mud, no big stars, and cost 35 million.
Josh STAY RIGHT THERE. Now somebody go get ZMF. Whats that Josh? ZMFs busy? Just as I suspected.
Avclub are you guys going to address this? Cant get to any contest page.
The following day I find myself at a barbeque, a buzz around my eyes fluttering from the icy cold feeling of my beer filled belly. I had mowed the lawn that morning, a minor triumph, but I would savor it no less than a battle fought by Grandfather up the sharp angles of Iwo Jima. I raised my beer can to the sky. This…
Speaking of fascinating fellows, where is Horsefellow? ,,,, I nedet o know'.
Did I miss something?
Did Bill Gates offer a billion dollars to whoever can think up the worst premise for a movie?
Jolted by a voice from my dreams, I woke up in a soggy state, my wet forehead sticking to the cheap fake leather of my old couch. The room was pitch black save the futuristic lights emanating from my cable box. I stumbled to the backyard and tried to gain some composure. It must be the oil.
Not really sure why Im supposed to hate these items
This is just generically making fun of Twilight and reality television - some content next time please.
I tried to start the mower
but it wouldn't start. I pumped the rubber choke, pulled the cord with a fluid jerk. Unscrewing the cap, I saw a thick shimmering of pungent gas; the problem wasn't there. I looked across my lawn at the thick patches of wide-bristled blades, greenery looking more like amok ran weeds than the…
Is the entire staff asleep?
Someone died.
Sometimes when I start my car
The built in digital screen/nav system displays a long message in small print that wont dissapear for about 30 seconds. Its warning you to pay attention to the road while driving and not too much on the nav screen.
Magical HJ - my 14 month old just discovered Yo Gabba Gabba. Nice Avatar.
Why is commenting disabled on Savage Love?
Also, I'm excited for this possible show. Thank you, good day.
Lets get into the Couples Retreat discussion again.
Not to break character - but what freaks all the characters out in that skit. Is it a telephone or something?