Why the fucking caveat?
Why the fucking caveat?
Dont make it worse than it already is.
Get it?
How ridiculous is this title?
It's like a videogame - Return to Butcher Bay or whatever the Chronicles of Riddick became. Why in the world is it even neccesary to specify New Orleans in the title?
Yeah leave this shit for Videocracy - the one part of avclub that I never go to. This is a WRITING website, stop posting shit where it doesnt make sense without watching the video. Hater now this, 2 in a row. Tears are welling up.
Do some generations last one day? Who else was born on that day? Cuz even then Im not convinced.
How could you not name your twins Loeb and Leopold?
The Hater is pure gold when Amelie finds material that is utterly ridiculous and she adds just a bit of commentary.
Here's what I think
If that guy knows the first thing about anything, he'll choose Betty. Or Veronica would be pretty great, too. Actually, he can't really go wrong.
Prop 8 upheld and now this?
One step forward and …
Otto et al. - its not like I think he's Dane Cook or something. It's just that he is the same character in every movie he is in (and I guarantee it will be the same here even if its just the voice of an alien). You know what? That character was really funny 40 Year old Virgin and Knocked Up. That character was kind of…
Can't believe its already come to this
When I see that Seth Rogen has been tacked onto a comedy I just groan.
Wouldn't it be funny if this is the first time the pun "youth in asia" was ever used in the history of the internet? Like, everyone assumed it had been used before because of how obvious it is so they don't use it, but in fact Caruso here just used it for the first time ever? So now we are all having confused…
I assumed people caught the "youth in asia" part but were put off by the entirely awkward wording. It doesn't really make any sense.
Yeah, you blew it with "deterring advocates".
For a legendary actor
What a horrible, horrible film career.
Nah, Phish fans talk about their concerts as religious experiences. If that ain't hipster douchebag, I don't know what is.
I actually don't really know much about Phish, other than that their fans take themselves way too seriously and hence are very easy to make fun of.
This actually makes sense - in that one needs to be 100% disconnected from reality to enjoy Phish.
Stephen Baldwin and Lindsey Lohan's dad appeared on Howard Stern together, promoting some nonsense. The thing is - they really aren't all that douchey, because to be douchey, you need to be a human being. I've never considered any dog douchey, even if it shits on the floor. Stephen Baldwin is a shell of a man, fill…