Bernice Juach

Harry, in many ways I agree with you, but at the same time I hate when format and exploration in a film heavily interfere with the bottom line of whether it is good or not. I can picture Jody Hill having this vision of a really dark comedy and insistence upon that vision overcame the need for the final product to be

Michael Chabon needs to become more of an asshole
Because right now, he seems like a nice guy who doesnt get dickish about adaptations of his work, but he really needs to be.

I think it it's entirely more likely that many of Seth Rogen's movies will have "Actually pretty unfunny" written all over it, a few years down the road.

Good ol' B- grade
B- screams "We've spent all week interviewing people from the movie, they are really cool and funny, but this movie turned out to be not nearly as good as we thought it would".

And dont cry "Simpsons did it" because it aint the same bitches.

The first thing I thought was "They stole this bit from Seinfeld." Which normally isn't a big deal, but then it was like 50% of the episode and they even stole more concepts from it, like when Jim, Kevin and Oscar are trying to figure out what "rundown" could mean in a nonsensical way (same as George and Jerry with

I think its a really weird move, making it virtually impossible to judge tonights ratings.

Just to emphasize a point, something that I think is getting lost: I don't think that box offices stats are particularly interesting, rather, I would love to see a director's response the weekend after his movie was "kind of a dud" (wont say bombed again). Furthermore, as I said, it looks like this movie was treated

Flo Rida's plug mute
Forgot to add this, did anyone notice that Flo Rida tried to get an extra plug in at the end of his Seacrest interview? They muted it out (probably somewhere in the 30 second time delay). What was that about?

Let's be clear: it was a direct cover of Gary Jules cover of the song. Not saying it wasn't really good, put he didnt put together that arrangment himself.

Two things
1)Whatever babble Paula is trying to spew to Scott (both last night and prior weeks) is both condescending and antiquated. She has focused on his handicap far more than anything else all while acting like this is the first blind person who has ever done anything remotely useful. Save that shit for someone

B. Bob Thornton, Nick Cage, Russ Crowe
I'm not defining the list beyond just listing those name. Who else belongs on it?

Happy birthday Trisha!

Yeah, but then what happens when the live event changes the start/end time of a regular show? I have 10+ shows recording, I dont want to answer stupid questions on each one. There is no reason the software can't be smart enough to record until a show is over without additional user input. Figure it out, TIVO.


Why be mad at AI and not the mindnumbingly dopey TIVO/DVR structure that after years and years still is entirely unable to adapt to shows that dont have set lengths (sporting events, hello?) Seriously, how difficult is this?

Well yeah there were a lot of adjectives that could have been thrown around to describe Karen from The Office - perhaps, "most competent character in history of the show". But not really cool.

"best known for playing the effortlessly cool Karen Filippelli". Effortlessly cool? Not sure I saw that.

It's really just not the weak opening. Mottola's last time out his movie opened number 1 and went on to huge numbers. Adventureland is certainly not a clone to Superbad, but clearly has some similarities. I'm curious how much input the director has on the seemingly small effort in promotion for the film, the fact that

Sorry but I am definitely interested to see a director's response to his film having a weak opening. If that's "obnoxious" then so be it, but I also don't think it's more interesting than actually discussing the film itself, I thought it was just the most obvious question considering the movie just opened. My line of