Bernice Juach

This actually really interests me. It would be weird of Mottola did the interview prior or right around Friday, then AVClub opted to wait until after the opening to run this interview. I'm wondering if Miramax was so shellshocked by the weak opening (remember, Super Bad opened #1 with 33 million) that they are trying

When was this interview done?
Leading to… how exactly do you not get his response on the film bombing this weekend? I wanted to hear about the movie, yeah… but getting a director right after a movie put up some really weak numbers, damn. Missed opportunity.

ATT Uverse here, we also do not get AMC HD. Want to have a fun conversation? Call ATT and either ask them why they don't have AMC HD or if you could talk to someone about requesting it. It's like you are talking in code.

No Oscar?
His role as the blackjack dealer in Vegas Vacation is probably one of the greatest performances of all time.

A few things
After Lil's whole speech about picking the right song, I burst out laughing when she revealed she picked some Celine Dion song for this week. It went just as badly as expected. Lil is doing by far the worst out of anyone who still has a shot at this thing.

Is Adam gay? Well, because of Idol's "we dont talk about sexuality policy", we won't know for sure. Unless of course they have an episode where they talk about the contestants significant others/families, which in the obviously gay contestants case they make sure not to ask them about who they are currently dating.

I wasn't trying to claim it was a bad movie. Maybe just over praised by the hipster crowd. I'm definitely in the group that thinks it is a classic, but I find it far less enjoyable watching it from beginning to end while sober.

I think they are going to be doing backflips across the stage and swing on ropes and shit.

Of all the things they could probably explain… explain this: why does it have to be both recorded AND lip synced? They couldn't just record their own voices during the video recording? My wife and I were just laughing last night. Not saying group performances haven't always been silly, but now were are verging on

The Big Lebowski is actually dissapointing watching it from beginning to end. It works really well when watching while drunk, having a conversation with someone, kind of paying attention.

People I work with call drawers "draws" not "jroors" and it drives me fucking nuts.

Complaints from a well-adjusted adult
1. Why can't blindy open his mouth when he talks? Why can't he remember lyrics for the group song like everyone else? He makes blindness really unlikeable.

Again, Vegas has Adam Lambert as the solid overall favorite. There is no way Gokey feels its in the bag as long as Adam is still around.

Not trying to be all PC here, but isn't it kind of amusing that it's just stated by everyone that "Lil should have done really well this week". At times I felt like they almost wanted to say "this is black people music and you are black, why didnt you do better?"

I could personally do with less of Simon treating Paula like a moron. Not that I don't think she is a moron, but too much cruelty doesn't make for great television. I think this is the first season where he flat out mocks every single answer she gives.

I dont watch this show but
I just wanted to say that the avclub pics every week of that guy Spanish from Old School looking all serious in some dramatic lighting really confuses me.

Plus, she announced "I dont normally do this, but Im going to stand up after that performance", then she emphatically stood up then sat right back down. Why can't she just stand up? Whats worse is that she refused to stand up before she had her little moment saying she was going to stand up.

Kara - "At this point, its not about singing"…
…"its about artistry".

Ratings are average lower than re-runs
We are entering season-3-Arrested-Development territory - you know, when Fox opted to stop airing new episodes so it could air reruns of prison break, which did indeed provide them better ratings.

I have a massive conniption most of the time while watching any modern television.