
Evil baby or evil doll?
Surely I'm not the only one to posit that it's not the baby that's evil or possessed, but the doll. The evil baby thing seems like a big red herring to distract from Jessica's creepy doll. "Baby not yours" doesn't refer to the actual baby, but the baby doll that wants to get back to Jessica

Mute out cusses?
Did you guys mute out Rabin saying "goddamn" while talking about festivals? Why would you guys start to filter out cusses?

CGI, not stop motion
When I think of LEGO-ized version, I think of a stop motion video, but this was just CGI-based animation.

Though The Dish was very close to being as good as The Soup, and some weeks where it was definitely better.

The Soup > The Dish (RIP) >> Web Soup > Tosh.0

What's wrong with movies based in comics as a whole? Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Iron Man, First Class have all been good recent movies based on comics. It's akin to saying, "I hope they stop making movies based on novels! It's so stupid!" Movies are inspired from a number of sources, and I love that we're getting

If anything shows how little energy was put into this comment, it's that PGillan apparently couldn't be bothered to even learn that Parralax is the entity of fear who used Hal Jordan as a host, not Jordan himself.

Wrestling Comedy Night?
I don't even have anything against wrestling, but who the hell thought of letting wrestlers do stand up comedy? When it comes to hilarious, I always think of King Kong Bundy, Raven, and the Iron Sheik.

Sugar Slam just needs a man to treat her right.

Have not extensively read Invincible, but, like JS said, the limited run means that it has a defined story arc to it. I think a more apt comparison is to Irredeemable, though I think Mighty is better suited for being translated to film.

Good for idiotking, a man with taste and class in facial hair. I'm a hetero dude, but beards are gross. It's worth 5 gallons per person per shave to keep them away. You can't trust a beardo.

Jeffstag and Not Logging In are right. This is another gesture more about showing off to others than actually helping the environment. It may make folks feel good, but it doesn't actually do any good. (See also: carbon rations, non-aluminum municipal recycling, ethanol and biofuels.)

I like this type of quickfire, but it moved into ridiculous when it went into feel and sound. Smell and taste are at least relevant.

Just a quick comment, Todd, noting that one bullet in Stray Observations made me laugh out loud. Props where it's due: that's a great story. The Angela-aggression pushed it over the top into belly laugh.

Between his love of that Wendy's chicken sandwich and falling over himself for Maroon 5, I seriously question that dude's taste.

"Sometimes things have to fall apart…"
I heard the quote as, "Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for BETTER things" (emphasis mine). It's not that the Arcadian is coming down for some other thing, it's coming down for a vast improvement. (Which, as an aside, I'll take umbrage with the GNB tower being

I'm glad to see other folks hating Zoe from the start. There's just so much there to dislike. The only credit I can give her is that she's a pretty accurate portrayal of a wealthy "socially aware" hypocrite that can't see the world beyond her own nose. She wants to halt construction, putting a lot of people out of

Geez…meatheads like that make it so much harder to be an advocate of legalization.

First two comments here are about the two games that I think got less praise than they should. I don't even like platformers, but I had a lot of fun playing Cactus McCoy. I didn't have the rope-grabbing problem you mention, but finding some of those treasures and solving the puzzles was a bit of a pain. But as a

Yeah, I was also obsessed about this game when it first came out. (It's been out for a long time now; I'm surprised that Sawbuck just found it.) I think it's a great twist on the tower defense type, and the frantic pace of deciding what to place and upgrade makes it fun. It's only the megacheap ninjas that I found