
Doctor Who sucks. It's the Emporer's New Clothes of sci-fi: terrible, but nobody's willing to be the one to say it.

I just finished the season, so I'm guessing that everyone's moved on, and nobody will read this. Still, though, are we supposed to be rooting for the Jennings here? I see them as protagonists along the line of The Shield and Breaking Bad: bad guys who escape the noose but we don't really root for.

I can't discount your story, nor can I disprove it. In fact, I hold that it's entirely plausible that what you experienced isn't an anomaly, and the female figures are harder to find. All I can do is counter with my own subjective stories. I've seen a minifigure 4-pack of policemen and firemen always have at least

Yeah, the images of the sets are from the submission to LEGO Ideas, hence the "not final product" warning.

I hear that complaint all the time: "LEGO has all these specialized pieces." "Why can't I get plain LEGO bricks anymore?" "Licensed products ruin imagination." None of these hold water.
Specialized pieces: Make sure you're not confusing LEGO with Mega Bloks or the other knockoff brands, who do use EXTENSIVE

But it's not true that there were no girl minifigures before. The city line, which has been around for decades and was always meant to be gender neutral, has LOTS of female minifigures. Female cops, female robbers, female firefighters, female airline pilots, female workers… City is LEGO's biggest line, and it's

Also, it's because that's what girls said they wanted. LEGO went through a LOOOOOONG testing process before Friends was released. Girls preferred the minidolls versus minifigures.
And FYI, LEGO did a girl-focused line with minifigures called Paradisa, and girls didn't buy it. It was just as good and just as marketed

Ugh. It simply is not true that LEGO has a "systemic bias" against girls. You can't make these kind of statements and be totally ignorant of the company's history. LEGO has always wanted and tried to get children of both genders to play.
First, here's some evidence that there is a bias: for a good period of time,

That's not always true. Sure, some companies set a price based upon what it thinks the market will pay, but many others employ a "cost plus" model that sets its price based on its costs. These companies are usually striving for low price to increase market share (which is arguably what Netflix is doing).

Net Neutrality is no solution.

I have one comment:  That A- is a travesty.  I know the AVC doesn't do A+, but this deserves a breaking of the rules.

The best part (maybe the only good part) of Constantine was when he flipped of Lucifer:

Rabin was on for this one!  He's either in his cups, hopped on goofballs, or, at least, overly caffeinated.  But good for him and his enthusiasm!  This was pretty funny, guys.

Not even close to a near monopoly.  FCC has no business in that, either.

Yeah, I saw that.  Enthusiasm like that makes me want Rabin on my competitive karaoke team.  I know he can be quiet, but I bet when you get him singing his favorite songs, he goes BALLS OUT WILD.

Can we please stop humoring celebrities that want punctuation or symbols replacing actual letters?  Questlove and Kesha, not ?uestlove and Ke$ha.

Fountainhead is definitely more about plot and focused on a single idea, while Atlas is more about Objectivism as a whole.  In Fountainhead, Dominique doesn't retroactively condone rape.  It's not rape to begin with because she does consent beforehand in her own mind.  That wouldn't hold in a court, but at the same

1) What it does for him is leaves him as free as possible to live his life and it respects him as an individual.  Mock Bioshock if you like, but "No kings, no gods, only men" is a powerful statement.  Prior philosophies only saw a man as a means to an end.  Either a subject in service to a king or deity or as a mere

Yeah, casting was an issue.  I even think that Rand described Dagny as not being conventionally attractive.

If you want a vastly more in depth description of Objectivism as a philosophy, then your best bet is Leonard Peikoff's Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand: