
As much as I adore Gotham Central, I do think that Powers came first. Powers came out starting in 2000, and Gotham started in 2003. I heard good stuff about Powers. I guess I should add it to my list.

I'm to say. I'm Infallible.

I'm not shitting on it. I thought it was good, just not as good as everyone else makes it out to be. Especially when Terriers talk eclipses a Lights Out news post. Lights Out easily holds its own against Terriers, and I don't want Lights Out's legacy to be "that other show that got canceled after Terriers."

I'm going to go with "ha ha," and respond accordingly. The characters on Terriers were pretty good, but I didn't care about their quest. The quest on The Wire wasn't about saving Baltimore, but surviving it. But I'm going to to a step farther and say that I didn't like the characters in Terriers that much. Note

Nope, that's objective truth.

Okay, enough with Terriers
I watched and enjoyed Terriers, too, but the way people talk about it, it's like goddamn Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Mohammad, and Carl Sagan came down and handed the shows to us from the celestial writer's room in the great frakkin' beyond. You guys talk like it was too perfect for this world

Fantastic Writeup
I haven't read the other comments, so maybe this has been said…

Stumpy's right. Parents send their kids to take their big high school entrance tests (and other tests) with a Kit Kat bar. I actually learned that from the blog of the J-List.com founder. He's an American that moved to Japan to teach English something like 20 years ago, and ended up staying, forming a family and a

Sensationalist Much?
Come on, O'Neal (and NY Times, for that matter). Disney isn't marketing to newborns; they're marketing to newborn parents. Don't be morons.

I think it's that liberals love to make fun of her and hate her that conservatives feel the contrarian need to like her all the more. It's the worst of both sides! Liberals' need to feel superior and conservatives' being stubborn no matter the cost.

I don't know that the years between that article and now have diminished their feelings on focusing on the message rather than the messenger. I think that AVC is still very strong in promoting the ideas. The change, I believe, is to how people expect the content to be available. If a video podcast gets more folks

Books are harder than movies. Take the four fine folks in this video. They can all easily see a significant number of the movies that came out this year and offer a reasonable opinion on what they think are the best movies. Can you do that with books? More books than movies come out each year, so it's much harder

Best or Worst List?
Anyone who thinks that this show should appear on a list with shows like Breaking Bad or Mad Men is delusional. Even if you limit it to just the comedies, then Modern Family and Community are leagues beyond anything Awesome Show has ever even tried. On one hand you have smart, character driven

Yeah, Liberty Island is the HQ of the Dept of Defense. Fringe Division, which is under DoD, has its own HQ elsewhere.

Real Talk
I think it's pretty damn awesome that we have a network president known for airing some quality shows willing to be direct with the AVC and tell it like it is. I wish that there were more folks like this. Like a couple others said, it sounds like he wanted the show to succeed, but it just couldn't pull the

Word of mouth is also what got me to watch the show, but, then again, word of mouth is what gets me to watch most any show. I can't conceive of an ad campaign that would convince me to watch something since ads can make shit shine (FlashForward) or gems into trash (Terriers). I don't remember the ads that I saw for

And I'd say that Lomborg doesn't actually challenge scientific conclusions. He challenges the proposed solutions to the problems raised by those conclusions. His thing is not whether global warming is happening, but what it costs to deal with it, and how else that money could be spent. (Though in Skeptical

Tom, I disagree about Client 9, at least regarding popular thought regarding Spitzer. He's generally seen as a hypocrite and sleazeball, but Client 9 portrays him more like a crusader unjustly wronged.

No opposing view is the flaw?
So in Client 9, when the "opposing view" is presented as a vengeful enemy than as an actual intellectual adversary, was that not a flaw? Did Winnebago Man need some kind of courter point, or was a film about one man's ideas and personality enough? It's fine to say that the movie was

Shatner is a living god. I say that unironically. Dude is awesome.