
Here in the hipster capital of the south, Austin, Texas, I see them daily. There are plenty of young, pop culture educated people I don't like here that aren't hipsters.

Zoey annoying, not funny
I'm having trouble enjoying the episodes with Jennifer Morrison because the character is just so awful. I'm glad Ted's no longer fawning over her (for now), but she's so one-note and just annoying that nothing about the situations she's in end up being funny. All I want to see is her get her

Taylor's swift and easy
I think I'm pretty sex-positive, and I have no problem if Taylor Swift wants to sleep her way around Memphis and LA. Good on her for hooking up with all the guys that she finds hot.

I don't recall them ever establishing a "reason" that House is atheist. I think it's always been there.

Yeah, good point, Menses, and one that I forgot to mention above. That stereotype of "atheists blame their bad luck on God" is really annoying, and one that this episode reinforced.

Todd, I disagree that the show didn't take sides. I agree that Sue and Kurt had some well-written words about the atheist position, but the problem was that they were immediately undercut by the actions of the characters. Sue is rarely sympathetic, but she can be, and when she is it's to great effect. But tonight,

I also had an exact opposite reaction to the episode. I especially appreciate the point about the other glee kids being insensitive. Even after Kurt expressed his beliefs, they kept pushing theirs on him, and the show portrayed Kurt as the bad guy. Bullshit.

Not Watched, Still on DVR
I recorded this, and was looking forward to watching them off the DVR. But I haven't seen them yet. Since it's canceled and I know the story won't be resolved, should I even bother starting? I don't want to get into the story knowing that I have two episodes and nothing, but at the same

The real Capt. Awesome: John Sheridan
As a Babylon 5 fan, it's required that I do two things upon seeing Bruce Boxleitner. 1) Point out how great Babylon 5 is. 2) Freak out.

Walter ends up having to move away to a different town. He marries again to a more dominant personality so he can relax into a submissive role in the family, knowing that he can't control himself when he gets assertive.

I like the arc of the show, but I'm fine if they drag it out. It's about the characters, not meeting the mother. This isn't Twin Peaks, where the central conceit has to be solved and has to be the center of the show. Little nods are fine by me, and the meeting, I think, should be somewhere like the second or third

I know. Matheson, Boomer, and Spike. We need Hayden Christenson on here to represent Star Wars.

Big Money Tusslas?

Why not review reviewers? You have to analyze the critics to determine if their arguments are valid and whether their opinions are insightful. Otherwise, any random IMDB review is as valid as a professional piece.

Looks like it maybe should have stayed away
So two thumbs down for Iron Man 2, and two thumbs up for Death at a Funeral. Throw in an aging hipster from NPR and the requisite level of pretension to be on PBS, and you have a show that looks just awful. I'm all for intelligent commentary on movies (which is one of the

Firefly was shut out AGAIN.
I mean, really.

Yeah, stereo, you're right. Modern Family is a fantastic show. I readily admit that I've never watched Curb, so it could be spectacular in it's own right, but to claim that Modern Family isn't deserving is just wrong. It's also spectacular.

Yeah, I don't think Amanda's one to criticize Angelo, but still, learning that he was a Robbins reader put me off him. Between that, the mail order bride (who he's met 2-3 times but talks to for 6 HOURS A NIGHT), the vision wall of chefs, a few shows of near-nervous breakdowns, and overall creeper vibes, Angelo's

Kiefer Sutherland was a big time movie actor who went on to totally own on TV in 24.

For what it's worth, she's an avid con-goer and cosplayer. She's done several outfits.