
As a libertarian, I found the philosophy behind City Planning telling an individual what he can and can't do on his own property abhorrent. (Including oily rags over the fire and slime-dripping fire extinguishers.) If Ron wants to endanger his life, well, like the aforementioned car farts, that's his right.

I hadn't remembered him.

Do what you're told
…and read the article. That was really good.

Yeah, Babylon 5's heavy-preplanning paid off because it was also a good series. You can't hold of FlashForward as evidence that heavy-plotting doesn't work because it's not the plot that's bad, it's the execution. (If anything the plot about the impending deadline of the flashes is the best part of that series.)

One joke over 5 minutes
Now, maybe I'm not evaluating SNL properly, but it seems like this season has been filled with sketches that were one joke repeated over 5 minutes. I've found that once I get what they're doing, I don't have to have seen the rest of the sketch.

No need for that. It wasn't good. Maybe re-watch the Taylor Swift one… I think you were way to generous on that episode.

With the randomness of What Up With That? and considering that they usually have the real people on, I was expecting to actually see John Stockton show up.

I can't speak for the studio audience, but my reaction was because dude was kissing his grandpa. I didn't read gay stuff into it at all, it was the incest stuff that was creepy.

Thanks for this, AVC
I think this may make my day.

Anna != Obama
Don't be stupid. This isn't supposed to be some kind of skewer of Obama. You're reading too much into it and getting your Yes We Can panties in a bunch.

MegaBlox Music Group
I got MegaBlox Music Group for the PS2 last week. I figured that it was the same thing, but way cheaper. But when I tried to play with it, the whole thing broke! I'm sticking with LEGO quality from here on.

"Keenan Thompson is…a tremendous black hole"
Woah, ease up on the racist stuff, dude.

For what it's worth, I think it was a mistake on the actor's part to say "mister," especially since he said "doctor" in his next line.

Ah, Baylor. That explains a lot.

I can't make it through Penelope sketches. As soon as I realized that's what it was, I hit fast-forward. Though her poor comedic acting was very much on display in the View sketch as well as the Scared Strait sketch. (I came in late and missed the opening, monologue, and pretaped commercial.) I give the writers as

A week off for SNL writers
It seems like everyone checked out this week. The sketches were either dull retreads or one joke bits extended too long. Putting Taylor Swift in funny wigs (as in The View) or silly costumes (TRAAAPD) isn't a joke in and of itself, but the show seems to think it is. (As you can see any

I watched this a few days ago, and was remembering it in order to do my AV Club duty and assign a letter grade. I remembered really liking it, then, all of a sudden, I thought "Oh! The song!" and an A was entered right away.

I think it's vastly more racist to assume that every black comedian has to be threatening to white people to some degree.

Since I majored in a computer-related field, outdoor classes almost never came up. (Whether that was because we were tethered to computers or because nerds hate being outside is a matter for the philosophers.) But I did have a couple classes where the teacher would drag us outside. It was awful. The wind blows

DJs = Overrated
DJs are, without a doubt, one of the most overrated "jobs" ever. Not to mention that any privileged white kid thinks that if he's a DJ, then he's actually contributing and creating. It's pretty much totally bullshit.