
As a Black woman, I felt the pain of that gunk going into her hair. It is such a process to was your hair and that happens.

Yay! Your beautiful avatar is back!

That sounds hot. When did this happen?

They are so annoying. They are everywhere.

Now I say it all the time at work and I work with little kids in a church. I live in the U.S. though, never mind.

John Oliver hates that kid.

I am a big fan of Pochacco.

He is an island.

No, it is still terrible here.

How did people even think that? We can push a several pound creature out of our vags and have it bounce back, literally, now that I think upon it. And yet running is too much for our dainty parts. If anyone should be worried about sexual organs bouncing away, it should be dudes. Their shit is on the outside!

Yeah, you like to watch though.

It is what I am.

Can't be too racist. There are more of the minority than White people. When I went there for a few weeks, I was treated so nicely there. But in this shit Northern city, I had racial slurs spit at me three times this week. One person literally spit at me too.

Their hot cakes are nice.


Adama is my mother's name, so this sentence makes me laugh.

Your shirt is so cute.

I just like watching you guys.

How is Moria?

Scrape it one more time.