
Fantastic feature idea. I'm not sure whether to suggest "Hallelujah" - on one hand different versions are a dime a dozen, but on the other… different versions are a dime a dozen. It'd be a stretch to make a column out of the only three that are worthwhile (Cohen, Buckley, Cale).
Ok, others that might be fun to at least

To be fair, mostly everyone was loose and sloppy in the 60s, musicians or otherwise.

Fantastic. And thanks very much for consolidating those early reviews into a document for reference. It'll be good fun to keep following the further discussion in the other forum (and probably a hell of a lot easier too).

For a small divergent thread here (sorry, I haven't gotten past 40 in the main range yet) - I just dove into the first Fourth Doctor (Lost Stories) set and simply loved the first story, so this seems like a good place for a quick rave. 'The Foe from the Future' is rare six-parter that feels almost right at that

But they all look like Clara, don't they…

That's sort of what they did with Genesis.

To be fair, Big Finish has already started reestablishing the character with someone new. It's a start.

Not completely. It's not a focus or anything, but there's a good dramatic moment where they come back to the Gallifrey theme and imply that it's important enough to figure into things again later.

True, I guess. Somehow I don't see it as something where an all-new audience would get the resonance, at least not without laying some good groundwork (more than the few lines it took to reestablish Sarah Jane).

That would be AWESOME. Plus an excuse to ditch the bad N'Yawk accent, which was the character's one misstep.

That'd be cool, although not nearly as much as bringing back Psi from Time Heist.

I'd say Capaldi/Coleman make the strongest pairing where acting chops are concerned, but the 11/Amy/Rory crew made the best balance of characters.

Yeah, those were real "wow, I wonder how they can do that" moments when I first saw the announcements. In River's case it's a great hook, having to help an earlier Doctor while knowing she can't meet him. But I would have sworn the Weeping Angels were one monster that would never pop up in an audio story.

Wow, now I have to look up those outtakes. Kate sounds hilarious.

Impossible for Barbara, obviously, but I think it could be touching to see the Doctor meet a much-older Ian now. It'd be weird and I'm not sure how I'd feel about actually seeing it, but it's a possibly rich idea story-wise. (Unlikely anyway, since so much of the audience still seems to be unaware of anything

Yeah, I got that impression from their stop in Philly. Louise asked "aren't you glad we got over our shit?" and the sincerity was obvious.

They toured last year. It seemed like a success all around.

I never cared for dance pads. There was no position where my arms could reach the pads without constantly twisting back and forth, and it was hell on my back.

it's common knowledge we should all be embarrassed of it. … always regarded as one of the crucial 90s albums.
