
Inmate on death row being pardoned too late = bad timing

Perfect match for the voice, innit?

His treatment (if that's the word) of Wham!'s "Last Christmas" is also the best ever.

Has there really not been a Sheryl hatesong yet? That's sort of amazing. Great to see someone else who appreciates the late man's brilliance, though. Even today I still try to spread the word whenever the chance comes up.

The tics sure don't help either. It's like that pixie noise-gesturing Natalie Portman's character does in Garden State… probably intended as expressively quirky, but just comes out annoying as shit.

Maybe it's just me speaking as a Kevin Gilbert fanatic, but I always thought that album was really carried by the actual club. It wouldn't have been half the record it was without their contributions, and the change was obvious as soon as she left them behind.

Yeah, I meant that as more of an observation on different generational perspectives. 'Pioneering' just seemed like a wee bit of an overstatement, not that those women don't deserve credit for their own reasons.

Yeah, I had a friend (female, natch) who adored Tori back in the day and always bristled when I'd point out how she sounded like a less arty Kate. To be fair, I did find a few smart sexy tunes in that early Amos material too, but the original had me too spoiled. Probably for life.

No Veruca Salt?

The Goo Goo Dolls had been around for a while, though. Boy was about their fourth album IIRC.

Sure. It's like pseudo-faux-ur-cis-loco-goldy or pseudo-faux-ur-cis-loco-bronzy, but made of iron.

Q: Why did Maroon 5 make their latest album?
A: Because they're assholes.
It's a dumb joke and I've heard it about a dozen different bands, but this thread just cried out for it.

I will not buy this record, it is scratched.

"Do part of it yourself and leave the majority to a skilled professional" (or DPOIYALTMTASP) must have been way too much of a mouthful.

Only if the thing that spurred the decision to fly was the same thing that somehow caused the crash. Otherwise it's just bad timing.

Good one. "Fire Escape" is the one I most often sneak onto party playlists as a not-one-of-the-known-hits selection.

I still love Monster. I may still even have that shirt of violent green lying around in a drawer somewhere.

I'm guessing they were a group of guys who heard Matchbox 20 and thought "hey, that stuff would be great if it wasn't so dynamic and exciting and smart."

I suppose so. Obviously it's still a different proposition—if nothing else, NuWho is currently running for the foreseeable time being and Tennant's time wasn't all that long ago—but it can't hurt to see what success the different branches of the franchise can have.

To this day that voice is still an ice pick to my eardrums. I have no idea if I just have lingering hate from all the months I heard those same insufferable songs everyfuckingwhere I turned. Maybe the voice alone still would have put me off even with smart poetic lyrics. It's too late to ever know. At the time I saw