
Fastball was a two-hit wonder at the very least. I'll still defend All the Pain as solid pop that's held up very well. More than half of The Harsh Light of Day was just as solid, and it's almost criminal that "You're an Ocean" wasn't also a hit like the others.

Turning point? The likes of Debbie Harry, Patti Smith or Kate Bush just may beg to differ.

Is that actually a possibility? I thought BF's licenses applied to specific programs or characters, so a Torchwood series wouldn't necessarily mean they've got permission for anything else (much like the UNIT range only singled out Kate Stewart).

True. The early Baker years made arguably the only time they managed stories that felt right at that length, as opposed to padding out something that only needed 3-5 parts for production reasons.

Agreed. 3D was my wife's first exposure to Troughton and I'm grateful she enjoyed him enough to see how much better he could be in other stories. To be fair, he was also a class act and probably tried not to upstage whichever current Doctor he was playing against.

I don't know how much of it was Saward editing, or if Holmes was in a weird place, but it's easily my least favourite Holmes episode.

Seconded. I've found these comments sections as enlightening as the actual reviews.

I've been repeatedly assured there are some quality serials to be found.

"Baby's on Fire" automatically makes any playlist better.

I haven't heard the new one yet, but it's tough to beat the price on the last.

Yeah, put it that way and it does make sense.

Song? Surely you jest. It's still whole albums for me, generally the unobtrusive background type. Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Fripp & Eno, Travis & Fripp, Steve Roach, Ian Boddy. If I want something with more of a beat, Bill Laswell and Jah Wobble generally do the job.

Wow. Just seeing the name Nils Petter Molvaer at the AVC made me felt like I was hallucinating.

Autobahn or GtFO. Man, there's something about that sunny groove that always gives me a boost.

Yowza. Really? I mean, nothing at all wrong with the selection, but it's one that I always feel the need to devote attention to rather than take in passively. Probably more than anything else of his. (Still, sparking productivity makes perfect sense.)

After Eno it's only natural to segue to Robert Fripp. This page has a couple nice freebies at the Buenos Aires links.

I didn't hate TGiQ but it did have way too much of Spike and Angel bickering yet again. It felt like something they should have outgrown ages ago by that point, especially since things already came to a head between them earlier in the season and it seemed like they'd finally begun to move on.

Fair enough, but all I can say is that I have no problem buying into it on a character level. Xander finds out the demon was lying, but he also makes it clear the visions were only reinforcing things he'd worried about already all on his own. Sure, he'd had triumphs in the past where he faced doubts and came out on

That was a superb moment in an episode full of them—that and Lorne's moment at karaoke, which made a great flipside of the same coin. It's just so touching to see that even if they used to be/still are monsters one way or another, when it gets down to it the most important thing they choose is to do something

It was on Angel's orders. Angel knew Lindsey would have only sprung up as the newest villain to fill the power vacuum once the Black Thorners were gone (he basically says so right to Lindsey's face, even). Meanwhile he still needed to use Lindsey to take down one of the targets, but couldn't spare anyone but Lorne to