
Maybe you consider games as much of a staple as food. For some of us, video games are more like candy snacks or TV shows…. a light diversion to reach for every few weeks or whenever, so a small selection of the tried-and-true is perfectly fine.

"Ten pounds."

I dunno. Looks aside, her "hccckk"ing on every line tended to put me off. If it was possible to combine her looks and expressions (oh, that sweet smile) with Mimi's voice and sadistic streak, well… then I might have found a bigger nerdboy crush than Mary Tamm.

In general Eno prefers randomness to thinking things out.

"Ah, but I can still twirl my cane."

was the right really that cozy with the militia-types back in those days?

Is it really an air of mystery, or is it a case of people feeling entitled or denied just because a company's not ready to announce something yet?

Uhhhah! Ze flashing knobs!

He's funny zat vay.

I'd say that was the point where you can spot fins, but post-series five was where it truly jumped the shark. They got at least a few more laughs out of Mimi even as the repetition wore thin.

Farce always works because people are scrambling one step ahead of some type of chaos, after all. This show really just chose a different type of chaos for the "danger to be avoided" piece of the puzzle. That was a truly brilliant concept when you think about it.

The alchemy may be unexplainable, but somehow it still works to this day. I have a "good moaning" text tone and still joke with the missus about ze flying helmet und ze vet celery.

Very well said, and I absolutely agree about the challenge factor.

Re: that last paragraph, you could also say he's sticking with the outfit he's comfortable in, just because it's a familiar thing in a world where everything's suddenly freaky-different.

They're variations (and sometimes ones you don't want to stay in for very long, as in TP). Green is the original template.

That is a bit odd. Though I will say, I usually stuck to blue in the water/ice areas and red in the volcano and desert purely because they seemed complementary.

It always looked white to me too.

I read it as an origin story for the source of evil that's always there in the world. Or you could say it represents a timeless cycle that goes farther back to the beginning of everything, or whatever.

I'd have a hard time choosing between Link to the Past, Ocarina and Twilight Princess if I wanted to name one that was best (by which I mean definitive as well as my own favorite). They're really the series' biggest touchstones, the iconic ones that illustrate the "legend" aspect by molding and updating familiar

Not really. OKC and Kid A were made at different times with different directions in mind. Kid A and Amnesiac came from the same sessions. I'd also point out the Amnesiac tracks weren't leftovers in the sense being substandard; they were just different enough that they didn't fit properly with Kid A as a whole.