
I can't push Small Gods enough.

Five always had at least a little bit of that old-man crankiness. It just generally took a real catastrophe, Belgium-sized or not, to bring it out.

Much as I rage about Donna's fate, though, I can appreciate the irony—the exact thing that enabled Donna to save the world was the same thing that required her to lose everything (in a fundamental sense) afterward. A shitty choice in one way, but still a heartbreakingly poetic one.

Agreed. I like it more when a companion saves the day or at least provides a vital piece of help. It seems more special coming from a mere human instead of this super-skilled super-knowledgeable alien, and it still reinforces the Doctor's character (especially the way he inspires others to become better).

Yeah, I totally loved Outlands. Thinking of that is what made me wish for another fix (after all, most hacks only do a little tweaking around the edges, or else do an overall rewrite but get the balance of things wrong in some way).

Hell, I wouldn't mind a game that returns to the original LoZ's entire 8-bit format, Megaman 9-style. That would be AWESOME.

Nice. I can't believe I never spotted the similarities before.

I know a lot of people (maybe most) love the motion control, but it's always irritated the shit out of me. Either the sensor is a bit too inaccurate in registering which direction I'm swinging or I'm just a bit too sloppy, but it adds an unnecessary layer of difficulty. Give me buttons to mash any time. At least I

Yeah, Midna was great. A nuisance at first, but I ended up not dwelling on it since I was usually more curious to find out what the hell she was about and why. And in the end, her reasons for everything do make perfect sense (though at the same time she matures enough that it's also not a nuisance anymore).

'Great promise as an actress' can mean all kinds of different things. It could mean talent and skill, or… it could mean boobs.

I thought the opposite. LttP was a definitive expansion of the original premise that added all kinds of great new angles and used a new format in all the right ways (and still one of my favorites today). LA felt like an inferior knockoff after that. It had its own little innovations and a unique angle in the

Agreed. The setup (separate regions with the sky as the link between) was refreshing. Ditto the progression of coming back to familiar areas in different ways, the silent-realm trials, and also activating the treasure chests. I say it could have approached the all-time top tier if they'd only managed it without the

I was always ambivalent about that. On one hand it's a cool bit of psychological character work in a series that isn't exactly known for anything that deep. On the other, it also feels like a lazy piece of recycling which (if you're familiar) makes too much of that fight way too easy, since it's immediately obvious

'Doesn't fit with the Zelda world' sums up all this game's biggest flaws for me. Modern technology, Shyguys, chomps, Mario, Yoshi dolls, Princess Toadstool and sentient goats do NOT belong in ANY Zelda game. Don't know why, but I've always been bothered by those little random crossovers. The franchises have such

Oh right. I thought I remembered the TARDIS being in the basement of the house. Well, it has been a while.

Two items under "are these really obvious plot holes or did I just miss something":

If the plot was going to be as troublesome as it turned out to be, I'm glad it was Simm chewing the scenery.

Jacobi's unmasking was also effective because it was set up with a good fakeout. If you know that Time Lords recognize each other even in different bodies, then the first Doctor/Yana meeting tells you that this guy isn't the Master (even if you'd speculated/suspected ahead of time that this would be a fitting time for

Considering he says he is the Master to someone who had never heard of the Master

Damn. Suddenly you're making me wish he could have played the role opposite Capaldi.