
Jeremy Irons?

I figured it was gloating in this instance - still a stupid move as always, sure, but this time he had reason to believe the Doctor really was too helpless to be a threat anymore.

Shouldn't Professor Yana have been closer to the Master's personality all along? John Smith may have been a different person, but his personality wasn't a radical departure from the Doctor's.

Rust is the new orange?

I suppose I'm not. Crimson is capable of knowing when enough is enough (whether it's complexity or anything else). The Dream Theater crew, not quite so much.

This guy is like the John Zorn of the literary world. All over the place in style and quality. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who enjoys all or even most of what he's done, but you'd be just as hard-pressed to find people who even agree on which ones work or don't, or why.

Well played.

It can also mean "although," which is how I read it there.

he's always seemed to be the type of author that captures a slice of life - not Big Things, but small insights.

Funny. I found Microserfs middling and disappointing. I thought the majority of JPod was like Microserfs 2.0, smarter and funnier in almost every way. (I'm talking about the office-comedy part—yeah, I'm nerdy enough to like the actual inclusion of the mini-puzzles.) Even the bizarro east-Asian jaunt seemed like a

Eventually. Moffatt said in some interview that RTD already had a story in mind to explain why the guy on Torchwood looks so much like somebody from Pompeii. This was before Peter was cast as the next Doctor, but apparently it'll still work.

What? I don't know? Errrr, third base.

Poor Martha. The Doctor/Rose sorta-love story was great. It made for a touching overall arc—coming along when he was at his most traumatized and vulnerable, helping him recover from the Time War and whatnot, so it's only natural she'll have a special place in his hearts. But damn, it also made following her a

American here and I just loved Donna. And it's not because I have such a thing for redheads…. not just that, at any rate.

It undermines her character … when she comes back she….becomes a model. She basically comes back and gets by on her looks

And II is the only one where everyone dies - the others have an exception or two.

Differing perspectives? Newbies will have thoughts the old fans wouldn't have come up with after seeing something a bunch of times, and vice versa.

I usually go for "buffoon." Which is funny in its own way, but just not as much my kind of humor.

Something else that's just brilliant: that slow minor-key piano rendition of the theme song for the charge. I always loved how they adapted it to each era all along, but its use for that final scene is as effective as it is simple.