
Sort of agree. S1 is good and successful at what it tries to do. It has its place, it's just that that place shouldn't be first.

Volunteer armies, much smaller armies, much more sensible tactics.

For reals?

You don't say?

Plus, Tom Baker as a legless pirate? Pure genius.

The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mister Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Percy?

Wikipedia has one tidbit (quoting Rowan Atkinson in an '07 interview) about a followup I would have just loved to see:

And maybe 5% the Marilyn Monroe dress.

But it's January, so the year is over….

If we've learned one thing from Caspe and co, it's that you'll need a gay-man Madonna cover band for that party more than you ever realized.

Scott Smith did some jiggering with The Ruins. And there was a pretty big change to the Dreamcatcher movie too - not really sure offhand if Stephen King was directly involved, but the movie ending was even more Stephen King-y than the book's, so I think so.

Eh, that won't matter. Happy Endings was somewhat centered around its initial premise for maybe half a dozen episodes, then it broke down and became about the group as a whole instead, which was (not coincidentally) the point where it began the transition from decent to wonderful. I don't care about where this one

It's not even the eyes so much as the eyebrows.

Counter-counterpoint - how the fuck does it sound like Bruce Hornsby? They're nothing alike.

I'm still mad at Radiohead for backing out of covering "Wallflower" as they first announced.

Yeah, but the question is how much time. The previous big gap was eight years (after Us, not counting the live disc)—then he came back with Ovo and Long Walk Home and then Up, all from '00 to '02. In the twelve years since then… nothing truly new. Only a covers album that sucks the life out of its material, two

It would have been well worth an even longer wait if he'd stalled until Bowie's coming out of retirement, then talked him into tackling "Digging in the Dirt." That would have fucking killed.

Elbow's cover is exquisite. It's been around for a while on Youtube at the very least—well worth a something search if you're not sure about the whole collection.

True on both counts, but I also think if Eccleston had stayed for a couple more seasons, he and his version of the show would have gotten too awesome for even Tennant to match.

I thought McGann did a smashing job. I mean, with the material he was given, it was faintly miraculous that any actor could have come out more than half-decent at all.