
Well, that rectangular space in the center of the stairwell could be too narrow for the thing to fly straight up.

Agreed; that's a brilliant touch and a fantastic instance of show-don't-tell to help fill in the new viewers. Even if you've just started with the new series, at this point you've already seen the guy deal with spooky vampire ghosts, plastic automatons that can overrun whole streets, a race trying to wipe out the

Talk about diminishing returns. This PoS was somewhat bearable the first time around… maybe because of the company I watched it with, maybe because we were half drunk. But holy Jesus tap-dancing Christ, does it suck harder and harder every time after that. Self-obsessed twerps that just beg to be punched in the face,

Thanks. An 80% chance of Zevon (or hell, reverse it and say 20) beats a moment of Gag-gag any day as far as I'm concerned.

That's why this special probably won't work. Parody is redundant at this point.

Well, the reboot was crap. So that narrows it down enough to make an educated 50-50 guess, SAT-style.

…dressed as Mork.

I'd watch the shit out of Charles Stross's Family Trade series if it was adapted. Parallel worlds alongside ours, traveling ability limited to those with an exclusive hereditary ability (and those they're willing to carry across), and a family cabal that's spent decades building a criminal empire in both worlds by

Yes. I'd have been thrilled at a longer ongoing DNA series in any form, but nobody else could possibly get it right… not the way it would need (no matter how well they did their best).

Anything Laymon would have to be cable no matter what, on account of all the boobs, but I'd have no problem with that. I'm not sure NitLO would be best, though. You know what would kill as a TV premise? Body Rides.

Youth in Revolt could make a decent premise for a show, but only if the characters were likable, the events believable, and the humor…. funny.

The correct answer for "biggest letdown by an artist I used to trust almost completely"?


People that age should be neither seen nor heard.

Smacky: YES about Devin. Total brilliance, all five of 'em. Maybe it's too much goodness for this site to handle.

But two years to the rest of us is, like, a month and a half in Gabriel time.

Bowie's Next Day by a mile. It's exceptional. The new Shpongle is the only forthcoming thing I know of that can probably compete for Best of the Year.

The Raven and Grace were basically much ado about nothing for me, but props just for mentioning his name at all around here. If the AVC ever actually recognized the guy, we'd be halfway to bizarro world.

Does the melt come with Eggs Is Eggs?

Oh yeah, Bowie could have killed with that one.