
one of the few bands that I think deserve the (over-and often-mis-used) word "epic."

>>Atoms for Peace - AMOK (underrated)

I heard some interview where the guys said they were thinking about age when they made this (apparently hitting a quarter-life crisis or something, since they're nearing the end of their 20s). Apparently that's the reason they did the "Diane Young" chorus that way—getting old means coming full-circle and becoming

Did you check out the Soundcloud link? Elbow's version has been out there for a while now, and it's pure gold.

Well, shit. Radiohead even announced at one point that they were going to pick "Wallflower." That would have been one of the greatest tracks in the mix next to Elbow's.

Also, the screwdriver thing actually had me holding my breath in fear at a couple points. I'm seriously impressed at how much tension & suspense can be wrung out of such a simple normally-harmless object, just through good writing and pacing. Especially considering nothing's even done with it (or at least, not at the

It’s somewhat unclear why Claudette initially doesn’t want her case reopened: Is it because she has no reason to want to leave (until Baptiste’s letter), or is it because dredging up the past will bring back memories that she would rather not revisit?

And/or screwed like they've never been screwed before.

I thought it was George Sr's role to become the not-evil one in the group. It made an interesting reversal, even if it's just because of hormones.

Dr. One must be Method's brother.


Replace David Cross the shitty one-chuckle-an-hour comic with David Cross the former King Crimson violinist, and I'm SOLD.

Agreed. The smoking thing could have been fucking hilarious if it had just been done with jump-cut editing instead of in real time. I think it still worked as Office-style awkwardness, but that's just not as effective.

Maybe she didn't tip the occasional Aboriginal furniture mover generously enough.

Agreed. I couldn't imagine the heartfelt "I'm going back to rehab" part even sounding convincing on paper, but they must have known the delivery would make it all.

One of the things I so love about AD is the number of little jokes that are set out (or even buried) and just sit there to be found, never waved in your face.

George and Gob were going to hire China Garden's friends for building the wall, in return for her mother Olive offering Lucille protection in prison. Then eventually the Chinese get fed up after years of no progress on the wall and call off the deal, so then they turn to the Mongolians.

BLACKADDER. Yes. Dear god, YES, I've been wanting an AVC column on that for ages.

I have trouble getting behind: GOB’s “roofie circle.” … undercut by an over-explanation from The Narrator.

Good call. I thought the same thing, and still half-suspect it'll be something that'll tie into the movie in the end.