
So… how many naked boys are there in this? Asking for a friend.

Oh I hate Michael. He's so smug.

Mmmmm, simulated formerly famous people.

I saw Titanic in the theater twice because my French immersion program went to see it dubbed in French. It was much funnier that way.

Is that supposed to be "invincible," because otherwise Jurassic World has a lot more going on in it than I was told.

*spits on genital area in preparation*

It's of a piece with her typical Twitter activity, so I don't think so.

I mean, I can't piece it all together, but if she's suggesting that ISIS has sub-aquatic tunnels, then surely children's tissue being smuggled through them wouldn't be a primary cause of concern.

Brian Posehn always has a beard.

My brain melted a little when I heard about that.

Rosanne is my new batshit inspiration after she tweeted

zomg orbital mind control lasers

Throwing my pants out the window seems like a fair bit of work.

And thus ends my minutes long support of his campaign.

I am the one who crocks.

Turn out to make this my territory.

An entire franchise devoted to pegging? Yes please.

I stand corrected.

Simon Pegg doesn't have to be in every genre franchise.

Adam Sandler? I'm laughing already!