
I do find it confusing that that scene caused so much commotion among some book readers. The books have so many long-winded gratuitous passages about rape but whatever because they all happen to non-characters. Then the show puts somebody we actually know into one of those scenes and all hell breaks loose? I mean, yes

I don't get it.

In light of this news, GRRM announced an eighth book to be released in 2025.

He used to be able to, but his literacy was swallowed by a black hole.

For all we know that is Donald Trump's strategy.

Scott Walker sniffs his own poo.

I think Adam Baldwin will age into the role quite nicely.

Woods you like to try that again?

I prefer the Donald Trump strategy of valuing all lawsuits at 500 million dollars.

*deletes dozens of tweets about Don Lemon*

It's a small production. There was certainly coverage when it was picked up by Netflix, but this is the first promotional effort for it.

Sheryl Crow being in that video is the least interesting thing about it.

Between that and the cock merchant bit on Game of Thrones, the conclusion is clear, "merchant" is a very funny word.

Wouldn't that be a disemboweling hat?

That was a pretty flimsy pretext for going bwoston.

Is that a hat you wear when making haggis?

Goalie masks?

He is in the Vatican.

I'm very committed to the toilet horror genre.

Electric Lavaloo… wait.