
I blame the parents.

You were a lot more fun when you had cunnilingus cancer.


Here's an example of a good idea being endorsed by the worst possible spokesperson.

The boat?

Scalia will be played by a sack of potatoes.

Please accept my condolences.

Is there some other kind of mattress?

Maybe they were just expecting him to show up and disrupt filming.

Yes, I do believe that is a car.

Okay now I want Baz Luhrmann to make this movie.

He's going to look real silly when future critics look back and see that The Hello Kitty Movie is better than Citizen Kane.

Oh I didn't know that.

Mark this down as the day we first learned that Bill Cosby is a rapist and Paula Deen is a racist.


He was pretty amazing on Other Space.

I'll make you popular. But first, you must kill the Most Popular Commenter.

I was wondering how a channel I've never heard of could afford broadcasting rights for such a big show.