Aubrey McFate

It's not just you, my roommate and I were making fun of this.
"Ohhh noooo someone's dead and now the sun no longer shines."
"No! Wait, the sun clearly shines, we just can't shed artificial light on our sadness." "ACTING!"

… ok except that I actually miss Snape.

Kara.. dude.
That Studio 57 line killed me. Did you see Simon whispering to her? It looked like he was saying "It was Studio 54" over and over while Kara's thick skull just said "What? Whaaaaaat???"

Sorry! I wasn't sure if that broke the spoiler rules, I didn't want to be the jerk. So, Spoilers ahoy! (especially in the cast list, which makes me really excited) http://www.tvrage.com/Lost/…

Doubt it. It would be too much of a paradox and would create a lot of messy backtracking for Darlton. Plus, since when has getting shot really meant anything on Lost? Shot in the chest is equivalent to twisted ankle if the Island lurves you.

What is it about The Decemberists, man? I too had one of those relationships that seemed destined to be but ended in a really depressing realization that no matter how much we loved each other, it wasn't gonna happen— followed by the world's ugliest and most brutal six month break up when he refused to let me leave

@ Jorge von Salsa - I've never met anyone else who knew of the Distorted Penguins, I'm fomr Mass, but an ex who lived in WV introduced me to them. Cloud 9 has always kind of fucked me up because my ex attempted suicide a couple times (and fortunately was found and saved), because I was living all the way in Mass. I

"Everyone should like the things I like because I like them and if you don't you are wrong because in my infinite human wisdom I deem them AWESOME."

@ Yummsh, you are the Simon Cowell of this thread, by which I mean— you are bringing the truth and the LOLs, by which I mean— seriously, Scott makes me uncomfortable, and it's only kind of because he's blind. It's mostly the fro and the feel-good, the glass is totally super full, attitude.


Louis CK uses Twitter? I'm already a reluctant twitter supporter but now I'm officially in love - link plz? I searched his name and didn't find anything.

Richard Yates is so under-appreciated for how mind-blowingly awesome he is. I've been wanting to read Easter Parade for a while now but it's hard to find a bookstore that carries it, even in lovably pretentious Cambridge.

@ mbs - YES, John Irving is the best. :)
I didn't like Nick because even though he has to function as an impartial narrator in the story, it ultimately makes him kind of a dick for so casually getting involved in these people's deeply messed up lives and just hanging out to watch them spiral. When he does get involved

er, Kerouac*

@ Milkman, I'm older now and do know that feeling and the story still just doesn't hit me. It's just a personal preference, I know a lot of people, more often men than women, who really love this book.

No, I didn't say I hated all of it, I said I had a teacher who was obsessed with it and so I read quite a bit of that genre. I love Kesey, Bukowski, Cheever, Albee, etc — but there is an art to whining about boredom, and Updike just doesn't do it for me.

I know this is a kind of literary blasphemy, but I frigging hate this book. I read it in college with a professor who was obsessed with the whole post WWII ennui trend of male writers whining about their relatively uninteresting lives, and I just couldn't bring myself to care about Updike's characters. I felt

It's cool Murray, we're even, considering that I quoted a fairly retarded movie.

I apologize in advance for this: "Symbology? Now that Duffy has relinquished his 'King Bonehead' crown, I see we have an heir to the throne! I'm sure the word you were looking for was "symbolism." What is the ssss-himbolism there? "

I can picture Alpert's face, but picturing Locke's smirk on a giant Egyptian statue just made me giggle, so that's probably a no.