Aubrey McFate

I would happily be Sawyer's big spoon.

To answer my own question, Chrissy posted below me (but before me) that they might need the bodies simply to replenish the ranks, which is a great point.

I like this theory, but if that's the case why would Richard have cared about his people dying if he can just make them undead? And why would they think Claire needed whatever they shot her up with when Ethan kidnapped her?
Unless it's a really elaborate front, which it completely possible.

I agree about the chemistry. I don't even like Kate very much but I always wanted her to be with Sawyer b/c Sawyer loved her and I want him to have whatever he wants because I'm in love with him.

haha agreed, and on that note, have you ever read the episode recaps on the official site? They actually *say* "WOOSH" when talking about a flashback. They're also really terribly written in general.

by hybris, I meant hybrid.

Yeah, I mentioned that in another thread a few weeks ago, but I said he's more of a hybris between Terry and an Emerson College student (or any college hipster).

Agree completely with voldemort. Actually, I thought about disagreeing just to be contrary b/c I'm bored, but I couldn't think of any albums on the same level to counter with.

Charlotte seems pretty improbable, even considering the fast & loose rules of the Lost universe… except, who is the redhead Juliet is talking to when she says "who do you think they are?"

The whole ~time travel~ thing is just a way to make sure Walt's growth makes sense.

Preview for next week
Did Sawyer's hopeful, sad, "I totally love Kate" face break anyone else's heart?

@Ulysses: but if that's the case, why not just let John kill himself?

….or the second greatest cop-out of all time.

Oh man, I was just in Disneyland and can I ever attest to this fact.

"Actually, I'm British"
Please keep writing about Gossip Girl, this show is the best thing to happen to me since they cancelled the OC and my twentysomething female heart was broken into many, tiny, Adam Brody-loving pieces.

The LED Tyra Mail
This… is evil. Tyra Mail is the stupidest part of an already ridiculously retarded show (that I'm completely addicted to, but never you mind)… but listening to the girls read the LED.. man, "TOMMOROW…. YOU…. WILL… BE…" I'm muting the Tyra mail from now on.

Muffaletta makes me think of muffins, despite the fact that its clearly a sandwich. Muffins are often associated with ladyparts… which could be awkward. However, muffins are also cute for some reason…

David Archuleta needs a nickname. Mostly because typing his last name is a nuisance (epic laziness!), but also because anything that adorable needs a pet name. He just does.