
At least when you're a prostitute, you get to move your lips.

I once swam in the same ocean as Burt Mustin, the actor who played Old Man Quigley on "All in the Family," albeit on a different day.

It's the role Tilda Swinton was born to play.

"Liked for ooga-horn. You don't get those enough these days."

"Off topic, but have you seen the Hitler Fried Chicken restaurant in Thailand?"

"Midnight Run" may be the most underrated comedy of the 1980s, but beating out "Airplane"! and "Bull Durham" and "Heathers" as mentioned above, and then also beating "Tootsie" AND "This is Spinal Tap" AND "Raising Arizona" AND "The Purple Rose of Cairo" AND "A Fish Called Wanda" AND "The Princess Bride" AND

No, no, don't worry, kids, the cat is just doing acrobatics.


By age 30, Alexander the Great had conquered everything from the west coast of Greece to the Himalayas.  But Gandolfini and Hanson were good, too.

If you can't be with Stephen Stills, then choke the one you're with.

"Picasso!  His paintings will never be worth a dime!  Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to chase an adorable man on a sinking boat."

North West is a millionaire.  She owns a mansion and a yacht.

" Those veggies she cooks don't pick themselves."

It must have been hard getting them down off the sign with his seven stubby fingers.

Is it in?  ("It" = goat's foot)

Husband from #1 should marry Husband from #3, and then brainforce Husband from #2 into sucking #3's dick.


NBC's least favorite episode was the one where Daniel got pinned by a boulder and had to amputate his own arm.

Abe = Mercutio?

Looser after #4