
I think she was making up a name origin on the spot and it was jokey. Like most people, she was probably not named after anything/anyone.

I'm angered by how there's a defense of Uncle Grandpa here when the Crystal Gems had every right to be angry with him. They saw him shooting missiles, a beezooka, and actively attempting to harm Steven. Yes, he had good intentions, but the Crystal Gems were clearly trying to do what was right, but they get reprimanded

Given the complete lack of attention by the reviewer (and by the AV Club), it should be noted that FOX did not air RAK106 - Mammophile, which should have aired this week instead of Jury Tamperer. There are a few things that do not connect. In Mammophile, Keegan kisses the Mayor's wife, Finn's relationship with his

ABC was already so reluctant to air Mind Games. Talk about last ditch efforts.

Your anger causes trouble when you let it in the room. It will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom.

More thoughts from Buzz Osborne:

The Expurgating Bear [property of NBC and its subsidiaries, all rights reserved] has no idea who you're talking about.

This list has a gaping hole in the exact shape and size of "Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa."

Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's bull moose all about?
He's a big inflated man
But no one understands him but his mustache

Lulu is twice as decent as any of them.

Gotta Ball Saul!

For intercourse facilitation, you'd think that a song with "Entry" right there in the title, and written by a guy named Fucik, would be ideal.  You'd be mistaken.

It's right here, and it's bangin'.

The defendants can just plead Insanity.

Skyler = Snoop Dog

The tipoff was when Holly logged onto her E*Trade account.

Bugs Bunny.


It can't be helped.  That's why Stan always tells you to "face front."