
MAD in the 1960s and 1970s is untouchable, but MAD in the 2010s is producing some strong work, too… it's just that they've lost their monopoly on that kind of satire and their audience has shrunk.  Being on paper sure doesn't help them, either, as the Onion's Washington, L.A., Philly and S.F. offices would agree, if

MAD in the 1960s and 1970s is untouchable, but MAD in the 2010s is producing some strong work, too… it's just that they've lost their monopoly on that kind of satire and their audience has shrunk.  Being on paper sure doesn't help them, either, as the Onion's Washington, L.A., Philly and S.F. offices would agree, if

Like his TV sister, that stripper was fantastic, and (largely) made of plastic.

Like his TV sister, that stripper was fantastic, and (largely) made of plastic.

Don't make fun of Eric Clapton's bouncing baby boy.

Don't make fun of Eric Clapton's bouncing baby boy.

Absolutely not.  He danced with her in a video!

Absolutely not.  He danced with her in a video!

"Marley and Miggs."

"Marley and Miggs."

Lois & Clarice

Lois & Clarice

Hey, come on!  How about a spoiler alert?

Hey, come on!  How about a spoiler alert?

I enjoy this show and await its next installment with anticipation. Also, I find the characters deeply relatable for their flaws.

I enjoy this show and await its next installment with anticipation. Also, I find the characters deeply relatable for their flaws.

It's also an anagram for "Proceed?  Yep!"

It's also an anagram for "Proceed?  Yep!"

"The one Dutch band"?  Awww, how soon they forget the Shocking Blue, phonetically singing "I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, an-chore deesire."

"The one Dutch band"?  Awww, how soon they forget the Shocking Blue, phonetically singing "I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, an-chore deesire."