
Apart from all the other moral and plot hole points, what about this- they live in an era where space travel and colonization of planets is commonplace. If they have a problem with overpopulation, why can't they just create a few space colonies and send their people away? Hell, they can even go the "Hitchhikers"

An awful movie
Based on a video game
Yet not by Uwe Boll

Sam West was a great guest-hater, too. Well done. Let the hate flow through you!

Chapelle also benefitted from a great supporting cast- Donnell Rawlings, Christian Finnegan, and especially Charlie Murphy and Paul Mooney. He also scored huge points for including some fantastic musical guests- Mos Def being my personal favorite.

Yeah, sorry about that- a nice round of canceraids for me!

The Plot of American Beauty
Spacey's character
has standard mid-life crisis
and then he is shot.

The Plot of American Beauty
Spacey's character
has standard mid-life crisis
and then he is shot.

A metaphorical interpretation like those presented thusfar fits, but could this image be the one hint at the motive behind the murder- a daughter seen as a ghost before revenge is delivered unto the murderer? I admit this seems less in keeping with Lee's style as it's been discussed here, but the great thing about

McCloud showed the way
First surface, then the content,
then inspiration

Don't want to miss a thing
best first dance song in the world
Aerosmith rules hard.

Poem full of snark
Rightly shows stupidity
of fashion failure

Roker is a fool
Spencer is a giant douche
Roker is better

Stock Market Princess
Makes just as much sense as any
method of Wall Street

Torture for freedom
Rights discarded at first threat
terrorists have won

Who here can forget
"Open the pod bay doors, Hal"
"I'm sorry, Dave…" scary.

Form follows function
An initial discussion
Brings deeper meaning

Tin Man lacks a Heart
Thin Man solves a mystery
Chin Man jokes weakly

Wayans new movie
Falling down, making fart jokes
Title? No one cares.

It was better than I expected. But then I expected them to all come out and sing "jail house rock" and then the camera pulls back to reveal that they were in a snow globe and the whole thing had taken place in a child's imagination while Patrick Duffy took a shower.