
Oh God, my tract!

Now click your big honking boots together…

"Felicity seems to be the only person concerned that he’s still married to Nyssa". Are they actually married? It seems unlikely that their marriage has any legal standing- Nanda Parbat can't possibly have any real government. What's more, both parties were clearly there against their will (Nyssa literally tried to

"Silence, bossy meat creature!"

Here's why I like the Foggy and Karen scenes in this episode- Daredevil's official slogan is "The Man Without Fear"- having Karen talk out her fears and have foggy address them fits in well with that theme. As she says, all she sees are "dark shadows", and everyone in the bar looks like a threat. Foggy handles this

"Sweet zombie Jesus!" Best exclamation ever- I use it all the time. Like seriously, all the time.

Another good bit during the fire drill- a lone employees running in a small circle worriedly mumbling "firefirefirefire".

To Alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

He partied like it was on sale for $19.99!

Have they ever said what they use the jar money for?  Seems like they'd have quite a lot in there by now…

Have they ever said what they use the jar money for?  Seems like they'd have quite a lot in there by now…

I love that Mal's line about everyone on the planet being rich and happy immediately precedes the run-in with the doctor (who Zoe has to knock out).  Mal's preconceptions clearly got in his way, but I wonder how much he believed what he said, since he's done so much to avoid the Core-world lifestyle.

I love that Mal's line about everyone on the planet being rich and happy immediately precedes the run-in with the doctor (who Zoe has to knock out).  Mal's preconceptions clearly got in his way, but I wonder how much he believed what he said, since he's done so much to avoid the Core-world lifestyle.

The Science Fiction Sketch, to me, is a perfect example of an idea that went on too long.  The Scottish jokes are nonsensical, and almost as bad as Idle's depiction of a Native American, and the whole thing feels over-padded, like they couldn't quite get the running time long enough with the script they had.  Thank

The Science Fiction Sketch, to me, is a perfect example of an idea that went on too long.  The Scottish jokes are nonsensical, and almost as bad as Idle's depiction of a Native American, and the whole thing feels over-padded, like they couldn't quite get the running time long enough with the script they had.  Thank

Alot of my friends really love Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, but I barely managed to finish the first book and start the second before I quit.  The concepts and setting are interesting enough, but the characters just bug the crap out of me- I can't even fully articulate why, they just annoy me.

Alot of my friends really love Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, but I barely managed to finish the first book and start the second before I quit.  The concepts and setting are interesting enough, but the characters just bug the crap out of me- I can't even fully articulate why, they just annoy me.

I love how Python was unintentionally prophetic with the Mouse Problem sketch- furries before there was a word for them!

I love how Python was unintentionally prophetic with the Mouse Problem sketch- furries before there was a word for them!

Londes could be a stand-in for any cult leader, really.  When I first saw this, I thought he most resembled the leader of the Heaven's Gate cult.  A solid episode overall, but it never grabbed me like Pierrot le Fou or Ballad of Fallen Angels, mainly because the crew was so matter-of-fact about this one- no personal