
John Oliver?

Strongly disagree with you (and also Hitler, to be clear). But this mentality lets the Germans (and other nations) who responded to Hitler's hate speech by committing violent atrocities off the hook.

Challenge their statements, ok. But why end the interview? We can't tolerate people with differing opinions? Or have journalists become so incompetent that we can't trust them to interview someone with a questionable worldview anymore?

I don't know if Star Wars is a useful lens to view politics through, but if it is I guess I'm a low level Gungan civilian.

I respect that! I would even argue it's a more effective political strategy than espousing liberal beliefs (not that he does that a lot). Simply by being a black man who's an expert in astrophysics he might create some cognitive dissonance amongst people with racist beliefs. You can't really listen to NdGT talk and at

Don't you think liberals share the blame though? While the other side dismisses all facts, our side have started claiming opinion as fact.

I agree that conservatives have promoted fear and distrust of scientists and intellectuals. But I feel part of the reason the situation isn't improving is because progressives have allowed themselves to be pushed in a position where they are actually saying 'intelligence'='moral superiority'.

I know you're being glib, but I will try to make my case as objective and logical as possible. Let's say I'm an average person in every way. Average intelligence, average income, average ethics.

I'll ignore the first paragraph because it was rude. And if I think someone is wrong, I don't just have to ignore them. If someone promoted creationism, you wouldn't just ignore them.

I can agree with you on that 100%. I'm positing that he's trying to sell science as a belief system.

Here's my problem with the guy. He tries to create meaning from the scientific method. But science is devoid of meaning, outside of what it can be used for. A regular scientist can admit that. He can't, because he is basically the 'face' of science. So he has to put a meaningful spin on it, which sceptics can identify

Tyson has done a disservice to the scientific community. His celebrity has led him to present his personal beliefs as morally superior (because science). He overstates the role and repeatedly plays down the limits of science.

Glaser? I hardly know her!

"No offense to Macklemore I'm sure he's a nice human being!"

Can't wait for his next self-hating single, 'Corny Dingus'.

I had to pause at the moment when Horace breaks into tears as Sarah tells him about their son. 'He loves life!', she says like she can't quite believe it herself and neither can Horace.

Playing Kanye's Advocate here, he says that pricing is not in his control, but the manufacturer/distributor's (adidas).

The way he introduced the line with For all my Southside niggas that know me best makes me think that this might have been an inside joke he had with a few people but then he went and put it on the album.

there's this saying, something about books and covers…

yeah, tidal will definitely lose a bunch of subscribers once this becomes available on spotify and apple.