
You can sign up for a free tidal trial and stream it on there…

I bought it because I consider myself a big fan, but didn't pay for any of his old albums. So at this point, I feel I'm paying these 20 bucks for all of them. And 20 bucks is a bargain for the decade+ of beautiful music Kanye has added to my life.

Do you see the offset titles forming a picasso-style portrait (2 eyes and nose)? Took me a while, but I was pretty impressed by the simplicity.

Make America Drake Again

Am I the only Don Rosa fan up in this bitch?!

I like that. If the world of South Park representing creative expression (not neccessarily that of humanity, just that of Parker & Stone), and we see it being encroached from all sides.

Shit, I just realised something: Going by this season's emphasis on arcs
and continuity, the finale can be expected to have some
callbacks to ep. 1 (like Kaitlyn Jenner becomes a hero).

I like your theory, but how would it fit in with the PC Bros, Sodosopa and the big conspiracy?

Prediction: By the end of the season Kaitlyn Jenner will earn her title as hero, not for the sex change, but something actually heroic.

He is a comedian. The Office is funny, and he's funny in it! The Karl Pilkington stuff was funny! But somehow, he thinks those successes also make him a great stand up comic.
When he hosted that HBO show with Chris Rock, Louis CK and Seinfeld (arguably some of the best standups alive), he kind of put himself on one

I want to see Nathan and Zac sit across from each other, each trying to be the more awkwardly passive aggressive one.

Ok, I was expecting the worst but it seems the production team really doesn't 'fool' these business owners beyond staying vague about the show's actual name and being very serious during filming.

Maybe a weird question to ask on a third season thread, but I need some help. I am legitimately scared of watching Hannibal. I have never seen an episode, and I know I'm missing out.

And the other note says Figure Out Who Self Is. I love this guy.

Definitely still a persona he's adopting, but it wasn't blatantly Colbert the Pundit, I think he was more going for actual local news host.

Very much disagree with this review. I think the two-prong approach lets this special excel and it engaged me in a way most comedy specials don't, certainly not Jeff Ross's.

or fick-tiv, haha.

Me too. I had a great time with Hola Unblocker before I heard it lets all these Third Parties access your connection… anyone know a (safe) way around geo-restrictions that doesn't require me to buy fingerless gloves and become a hacker?

I am in awe of how reliably that guy's delivery cracks me up! Something so natural and unpredictable about it, I have high hopes for the actor…

Just read Black Swan and now I got his book of Aphorisms 'The Bed of Procrustes' and loving it. Taleb for the win!