Without a link, I have forgotten.
Without a link, I have forgotten.
Really, the Blues Brothers chases weren't all that crazy. The first one, was funny mostly because of the dialogue ("Lot of room in this mall." "Disco Pants and Haircuts"). The second one didn't really go off the rails until the 100 cop cars all drive over the berm and crash together. When I watched the OJ chase…
There's a scene in early-period Simpsons where Marge is asking Homer questions from a pamphlet to gauge how well Homer knows Bart:
Marge: "What's his favorite movie star""
Homer: "Steve McQueen."
Marge: "That's YOUR favorite movie star!"
At this moment I realized that my father truly was Homer Simpson.
The Infant Barleycorn, being five, loves Angry Birds—not just the original game but all of the spin off games (including that not entirely terrible racing game Angry Birds Go!). Also, he has seen both sets of Angry Birds cartoon shorts, to his amusement. In theory this is the sort of thing he would enjoy immensely.
Sledge Hammer! Week was last week.
Would you ask Tom Hardy that question?
Holy shit, I just now realized that it is actually logically possible that M. Night could be given a Star War to direct.
The horror! The horror!
While John B. has seen a LOT of horror movies, there have only been three in my recent memory that I was excited to see by the trailers:
1) "Frozen." Three people trapped on a ski lift over a long week. Wow, I thought, great premise!
2) "Devil" Four people trapped in an elevator with the devil. Wow, I thought,…
John B. remembers going to the theater in Ann Arbor three times over the course of some weeks before he was able to get into Titanic. Fact is, today's 20 plexes made getting into TFA pretty easy. The story of the 2000s is the ridiculous front-loading of movie attendance—by week three most things have pretty much…
And yet competently they neither trapped nor keeped.
Never tell…
Oh, forget it.
Thank you for including the trailer. This moving picture appears to be the sort of entertainment I might enjoy. I will investigate further.
I know we all have our own beefs with the prequels, but of all the unforgivable bullshit they contain, my votes for the two worst are:
1) Anakin created C3P0. A protocol droid fluent in over six million forms of communication. Created by a slave boy on a desert planet. Fuck you.
2) Every clone trooper and Boba Fett…
Not intending to SPOIL TFA, but were you disappointed that the only vehicles the Rebel/Resistance had were X Wings? Where are the A, B and Y wings? How is Master Barleycorn going to have a proper toy collection if the movies don't support it. And for that matter, where were the Tie Bombers, or the Tie Fighter…
Hey, I like your name.
I have no opinion on your opinions, though.
Rick was right! How did we ever doubt Rick!
Why is everyone's zombie killing knife, like 3 inches long? That's bitin' distance!
Also: the Wolves killed some people, so they should have EXTRA food now.
Why didn't someone just say to her, "Hey, this guy's gonna die anyway, so just practice on him?"
Handel with Care.