john barleycorn must diet

So…thanks then?

And also: why are phones getting so goddamned big now? Did we learn nothing from the Japanese?

I didn't know it was an issue until now. I have one of the older nanos that look like the shuffle but with a little screen and it is basically perfect for the task. But the battery is getting wonky so I don't know…maybe kill myself?

Do all of your comments align so nicely with your avatar?

Am I the only one in America who doesn't want to take my fucking phone to the gym with me or running every morning?

But, given that Tobe was the credited director and the movie was a huge success, doesn't this mean he received a shit ton of, like, free money?

Apparently not. There was a guy all over the Star Trek reviews 7 years ago by the name prolehole. Your name and icon made me think he got a new discus name.

I think the Simpsons had Disney pegged 20 years ago with the Pasty Faced Lawyer.

Well, of course the first book is quite a slim volume with only the outlines of the broader story fleshed out—primarily by means of a campfire exposition dump, if I recall correctly. Hanlen should be covering this beat.

Hey, wait a minute. Do I know you?

The damn thing writes itself.

Nothing about this review says "A-".

The defeatism of the first sentence of the review is the saddest apolitical thing I've heard all week. Surely, some nostalgic young director will give the aging lion another shot?

I'm glad you posted this so I don't have to.
In the old days I don't remember the Avclub posts as being quite so intentionally inflammatory. The commentators sure, but not the articles.

Points for "cheese-style sauce."

Wait, we're shitting on Tim Conway now?

I liked it. You know, for what it was.

"Exploticons", if you will.
Or maybe "explojis."

While I am willing to accept that Fake Biden would be a fan of Dirty Work, I cannot get behind the idea that Fake Biden would be supportive of the remainder of Steely Dan's oeuvre. And nothing featuring Bon Scott? For shame.
It's like you don't even know the guy.