john barleycorn must diet

I'm going to go with "yes." I always find it interesting, which isn't a bad thing to say about a show. It isn't perfect, and its flaws can be maddening sometimes, but I never feel like I want my 44 minutes back at the end.

Wait, I don't understand: is Die Hard the worst movie of the year, or that Kristin Wiig thing I've never heard of?


I was at a fifth grade ski outing. I came into the little lodge and the bus driver was sitting there at the bar watching the TV that was playing the explosion over and over. He said, "What do they expect us to do, shoot people into space with a rubber band gun?"
The whole thing is seared on to my memory in the same

I understand that, but who's to say the statute we buy will look any better?

Several years ago I watched this solely because some AV-ers were raving about it.
I liked the film (although I'll be damned if I can remember what the ending was.)
This is why I like this site-(reasonably) good people with (reasonably) good taste.

Yeah, uh, conceptually I was pleased about this, but in the picture it kinda looks terrible.

That's the last time you put a knife in me, ya hear me?

But does he get results?

That always strikes me as an odd comment.  Given the physique required for today's modern actor, I'd suspect the average motion picture thespian gets a hell of a lot more physical exertion than, say, me.

The strange thing here is that while I have no enthusiasm in FOX's Sleepy Hollow, I'd be interested in SHO's Cloaked Rider.  VERY interested.

Avoiding spoilers, but another very popular show already took this approach.

Maybe, but I got to believe being a New Mexico Nazi isn't the most profitable of enterprises.  Most crooks are perpetually stone broke and never really see a "big score" like this, let alone a big score that they could walk away from (and with).

In re New Mexico Nazis:

That's what I thought.  What's a guy do with both a cap of ricin AND a M60?

In Flashback #1, Walt and M60 return to NM from New Hampshire.

Its "Live-4-Ever"

You, sir, have captured my feelings precisely.

Topic:  Naming a girl Rory.

A Supposedly Fun Place Whereat I Hope To Not Die.