
Today and Yesterday (or whenever)
Was I the only one who thinks Stop Forwarding that Crap to Me is a Meatloaf pastiche (sp? I never really knew the word until this board today), and I may have only noticed because of but will actually just think it is a real cool coincidence that I hear it one day after reading BLTN

Um, since I can't post new topics, can someone mention that you can buy this on amazon mp3 for 3.99 today.

I just saw my In 3-D cassette on Sunday, cleaning out parents garage. It's still there.

this was absolutely my family driving song, had to sing the whole thing through while taking trips while growing up, and went through several copies. I spent a bunch of time reading the lyrics to learn the baseball part. Still love this album.

Kerouac - Dharma Bums and On the Road
Chandler - esp The Big Sleep
Warren - All the King's Men
Herbert - Dune
20 years of monty python and all the words (python)

I am heading down there for second week of Jazz fest, and have been there a few times, it is a great city, but I won't go back to Bourbon street, it has become a drunk-olympics, more big ass beer stands than anything else. Still, love the French Quarter, love the town, looking forward to May 4th. And the person

I use "I'm smart Michael" whenever I screw up anything, and Hyman (sp?) Roth is so cool.

this just in - CitizenBane calls for execution of AV Club writer.

The third hitchhikers book actually has most complete story line (as it was born from a Dr. Who episode), 4 is my favorite, the most emotionally and existentially strong, 5 has great ideas but is so depressing. Haven't tried 6.

When I first read OTR in college, I loved it and took cross country road trips because of it, then when I read in my thirties, I saw a lot more sadness (relecting my own). Really like it and the style, and huge fan of Dharma Bums.

late to the party, but Skytanic 's "Nice read Velma" and "My vulva is smoother than a veal cutlet" could rank with two best lines of series.

Maybe members of the AV Club should write up a review of these two movies and then the commenters can add their views. Probably end up with a pretty good crowd sourced script.

Movie filming
"Of course this turns out to be a part of the movie Archer's been unknowingly assembling throughout the movie, thanks to having a video camera present at all times. "

When can I buy the Kreiger shirt - "Now I am into something…darker."

I have had good results with ether.

I thought she would end up with the bartender

I was happy to see Svalbard, also known as Spitsbergen, on tv!

And why could it possibly need to be in 3-D

How about Savannah? ummmmmm.

That's why Naomi Watts being less attractive than Valerie Plame is an interesting choice.