
Is this the heart of darkness version of Batman Begins?

My Science Fiction professor in college said Millenium was a great short story, good novel, horrible movie.

I asked that about the wall safe as well, maybe he panicked, I don't know.

In terms of the board, I thought it looked like the surgery board in Scrubs. Probably fairly common.

But the list is mostly to save others, some that some of your pain for having experienced those on the list has some redemptive value.

Fry's actions at the end of the 300 bucks one, where he speeds up in time, is a great moment, not sure if it is a great episode.

Isn't LA already post-apocalyptic?

I don't think Mom corp has morphed from one type of company to another, but is probably all those companies. Like GE

If we are talking Mark Harmon roles, gotta go with West Wing

I always enjoyed the title cut from Queen's last album Innuendo. Great licks from May.

Sketch crossover - Is something art just because you hang it on the wall?

I disagree, MFT, that is the same reason we like George, that he wants other people to succeed, and won't stand in their way of opportunities.

George is happy and content with the work he does, he knows he does goood, but when he looks to the future, he knows there is no big reward at the end, always one little mis-step from failure.

In the scene in the bedroom after George turns down the job with Potter, George asks Mary(sl) "What would you be if we hadn't got married?" An old maid is her answer. Besides, during the phone call you can see Sam Wainwright is in for the big city girls.

The Jason Jones in Iran led to Jon apologizing for being part of the Newsweek journalist (Rezlam) getting arrested, and using the Jones interview in the trial is pretty scary.

Was the muppet view of everyone this year?

I don't care about the repercussions, but Christmas in Heaven is one of my favs.

Sorry, but I have to say it. Santos, do not ever refer to Transfomers2 as T2 again. Please, please don't. Just don't.

Was this the movie that he wanted to do the scene where he is sitting on the train and it starts to move, but the movie company didn't want him too, he does it anyway, then they put a dummy in the place to see how that looks and the dummy is instantly destroyed?

twogreattastes - are you talking about Chris Isaak from San Francisco Days? That is what I always thought.