Let's get this back on track:
Let's get this back on track:
I want to metaphorically make love to this article and then suggestively tell your mother about it.
Tyler should stick to rapping about raping people (or is it raping about rapping people) at least that's less repulsive than this show…
Where do Asians fit in the paradigm of creativity/pot?
I'm starting to think there's a connection between my music and people being dicks… GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!
Pretty good surprisingly. The better question is, "What are the odd one of these people will become a serial killer?"
…And the soundtrack composed by Dawes
"Project X’s commitment to…capturing boys behaving badly…and… high-school pussy…feels right. Trailblazing."
The picture looks like he's groping two imaginary boobies… imaginary boobies that happen to be very far apart from each other
@Jimmy Buffett why don't you go get CancerAids
Failed Firsties
Like these actors would even think of stepping in a clown car. Please, they all fly a private clown jet.
Ah, you mean "Oil Lamp Boogaloo"
I thought the gang was racist?
David O. Russell will only show up if the sitcom features a tranny. No offense to trannys.
"It is fitting that with Skyfall marking the 50th Anniversary, we celebrate by milking the cow of inflated IMAX tickets and squeeze every Ms. Moneypenny out of this bloated franchise as possible."
Goddamn you, I just wrote the same thing. I'm not going to delete mine though.
I read the article as James Bond will get blown on IMAX screens in Skyfall. Totally different story…
I only care for Louis CK