Jimmy Buffett

And I just recently smoked a strain that left me with an impending sense of doom that everyone around me was one insult away from stabbing each other with pens.

I was not really a fan of the noisier parts of the album to be honest. Brown Stains and Death Camp were okay. But, the title track was a horrendous Death Grips knockoff.

I remember making that same sort of offer to Alan Jackson.

If you haven't listened to Cherry Bomb, you should.


Are you referring to your friend or Kathy Griffin?

My post was not meant to be taken seriously. I didn't know I had to tell people to not take me seriously; I'm Jimmy Buffett for christ's sake.

Thanks, Feig, but women don't need you to mansplain directing to them.

I wonder if HBO would be willing to risk property damage to their studio.

Think again, I hear he follows The Apprentice very closely.

It's Boston though. You can't expect the audience to suspend that much disbelief.

I'm actually listening to Patrice on O&A right now. Some saint uploaded all of his appearances on his show and there's days worth of material.

I agree with all of that. Macklemore seems like a nice enough guy and he has legitimate skills when it comes to flow. But I just can't get past his lyrics and (imo) surface-level messages.

But, to be fair, it's not like this whole album is comprised of songs like White Privilege II. Kevin sounds like a song Hopsin would make and Downtown is a rip off that Bruno Mars song.

That's a great point.

"A ten-minute song about white privilege is not exactly top 40 material."

Macklemore uses trending twitter topics to boost his career. He offers no unique perspective on these social issues. His music doesn't challenge listeners but rather regurgitates what the majority of people already believe/know.

kendrick is overhyped. he's great but he's not changing the game like kanye did

Or should at least go down on a peg or two.

"James Franco… is never more compelling…than in… his… man-on-chimp…scene."