@avclub-5252c8de5ca1ccceddf14f3685df12d0:disqus probably thinks Waterworld would've been greatly improved if it starred a dingo rather than Kevin Costner.
@avclub-5252c8de5ca1ccceddf14f3685df12d0:disqus probably thinks Waterworld would've been greatly improved if it starred a dingo rather than Kevin Costner.
Five percent?
Also, the city's greatest actual fire.
I still can't believe they came all the way over from the bible just to complain.
I didn't read this article.
Jaws is not really a shark but an animatronic whose rubber flesh and robotic innards are clearly seen during the point of the movie in which Quint is bitten in half and eaten alive. Also, Jaws is not even the name of the shark, which seems like a total ripoff because nobody even names the shark. How am I supposed to…
My first question is why you would go to 4chan for information about Anonymous
I am Anonymous! No, I am Anonymous! No, I am Anonymous!
I've never seen the show but Sammy Davis Jr. looks badass in that photo
Too long of a url
Damn, I should've listened to you. I still had two more seasons of Sex & the City to watch…
@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus No, but we did spend a night in San Lucas together.
Like hack inside his butt?
That's a deadly combination there. I'm afraid a mixture of that horrible magnitude would cause the world to explode.
I think the anger stems his overtly feminine hairstyle and chipmunk face. Both of which repel and repulse women.
@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus, he produced it but Raiders of the Lost Ark story is largely due to George Lucas. I have a transcript of the script meetings between him, Spielberg and Kasdan. If you want it I can give it to you but it shows how much control Lucas had over the project. Also, I'm not…
@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus, George Lucas gave us Indiana Jones, Star Wars and American Graffiti. Granted, he's been riding one of those ideas for awhile now but I think he's given us more than having just one good idea.
Can we say the same thing about George Lucas?
The photo looks like a mug shot on acid.
Oh no, my words were chosen very deliberately. So no points for the reference.