I heard that when an angel rapes you, it feels like your twirling around in a giant pillowcase filled with dandelions.
I heard that when an angel rapes you, it feels like your twirling around in a giant pillowcase filled with dandelions.
ABC = Aay Bee Cee
If you didn't know already he doesn't give a flying fuck about ratings or stars or any of that shit.
I demand absolute excellence for everything. If I find one flaw, I will drop it quicker than a bastard baby.
If anybody's still interested me and the Coral Reefers (get it) are still going strong…..
… And?
As a happy medium, I can see why people might not be comfortable with Louis CK's appreciation of Lady Gaga but I also can see why it make other people happy too.
So, is this a sequel to A Walk to Remember?
Season 6 aside (which is mediocre), every season has been pretty strong.
This just makes me more excited for the day when Mario and Luigi finally end up in an incest porn video…
Twist! The naked man was actually Nic Cage.
I was rooting for "Get Rich or Die of Cancer"
I heard Wayne Coyne thought of the name Flaming Lips right after he blew some guy who had CancerAids…
Contrary to what others may have told you, consuming massive amounts of drugs at once does cause instantaneous shrinkage.
Is it bad that I've watched so much Arnold Schwarzenegger movies that I don't need to spell check his last name?
Not only that, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has enough kids to fill every cast and crew position.
This might be the marijuana talking but I still have no idea what this film is about.
Wow, you're throwing a lot of questions my way. Word of warning when in regards to asking me stuff, I can promise you'll get answers. I can't promise you'll get coherent answers.
Rest assured my friend, a combination of ecstasy and viagra goes a long way.
Looks like you made a wrong turn on today's newswire, I think you meant to post this on George Lucas' article.