Simon Abrams

Got, it fixed.

Oh man, i would review the shit out of THE TICK VS. Loved that show as a kid.

Will do. I do like HOME MOVIES…

It was indeed BONANZA.

Actually, I was saying that the jungle cat story was novel but poorly conceived. It's the vampire story that's old hat.

Ah, you're right. I thought that Grant Morrison just made Bulleteer a woman in his recent SEVEN SOLDIERS OF VICTORY. Seems he changed the name too.

The episode never aired in the US, sadly.

Ha! I totally missed that MIRACLEMAN reference.

Yeah, I think ebk's right: the bit where he tells them that he's a werewolf at the end and they respond, "Are you taking medication?" makes me think that they just assume he's crazy.

Is ok. Correction made.

Keep looking at stuff, pls.

Ooh, that'd be fun! Hey, Todd: this. ^^^

Yeah, Plas isn't a regular on the show but he's shown up at least once.

El Santo hit it on the head. Thanks for that.

Yeah, kfb, I never meant to imply that abuse is good, just that that would be the preferred way for them to follow up on that new plot development.

It's an option, certainly. But I don't think it's likely. Still, it'd be nice if they went in that direction. But if they did, it'd confirm my complaint about how instantly posed and instantly forgettable that speedbump to their were-pregnancy was in the first place.

Makes sense to me. It definitely is a double standard and one of the reasons why I didn't like the cheap upstairs/downstairs logic to it.

Don't know why it didn't show up but I gave it a C+. Was debating over whether or not to give it a B- but by review's end, I felt C+ fit the piece more.

I feel really stupid for having not caught the difference so thank YOU for helping me to do that, esp. since you did it in a civil manner rather than raving, "OMG YOU'RE NOT QUALIFIED TO REVIEW, YOU'VE LOST ALL CREDIBILITY, WHO OLD ARE YOU!?"

I totally understand the complaint; will fix. Sorry about that.