Simon Abrams

The change between "done" and "down" has been fixed. What are you talking about?

Ahahaha, that one /is/ bad. Fixed it now.

Yeah, spoilers are silly but I didn't want to step on anyone's toes.

Thanks, Adrian (for the good luck with Cannes).

Too true.

It could very well come back next episode. Ebb and flow, dontcha know.

Nice "Father Ted" reference.

i and 1: I agree re: your first theory. That kinda makes sense. Second one…yeah, that's probably true too. Dunno, eventually everything's gonna wind up being Anna's fault or idea or responsibility or whatever.

Look, guys, I didn't make this up. I readily copped to the fact that I missed that detail re: the Vs not being responsible for the suicide bombing (see my edit of the review for proof). But I definitely think that that was a throw-away gag. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Hobbes actually quotes ART OF WAR in an earlier

Edited the article to reflect how I just totally missed the bit where Anna says that the Vs weren't responsible.

It's supposed to be just that he, as a mercenary, would be interested in stealing a copy of "The Art of War." It makes little sense.

That's what I thought happened, i and 1. But you make sense so yeah, you're prob. right.

"Send more commenters!"

I hope so?

See, I felt FLASHFORWARD was worse than V was for the most part. Then again, I'm not going to try to defend my position beyond saying I think FLASHFORWARD was somehow more grating and seemingly mismanaged. V…had and kinda, sorta still has promise.

1) Ok.

And you as well.

I soytenly am not.

Dumbledore Calrissian: yes, I am somehow aware of that fact. But again, as Bridges alludes in his monologue, that is how he is most well known now and hence is his current public persona. There's no point in my review where I tried to make an argument that that role is the be-all and end-all of Bridges' career.

Sorry for being anal, but Dini only wrote episodes 1 &2. And considering how many other things he's juggling—at least two comics series: STREETS OF GOTHAM and GOTHAM SIRENS—I'd just say that he's probably stretched too thin. Not an excuse, just context.