
Someone needs to get Jack Black in a good movie again
I was watching the horrible looking commercials for this movie, and I feel like it's been long enough since I was watching Jack Black in stuff that I am ready to enjoy him again.

Tsat, I would submit that if you're looking for Heidegger's influence in politics, you're not looking in the place where his influence is actually felt.

Getting a foot in the door…
I found it somewhat disorienting that all the British execs were pretty much talking like this was a complete career ender for Guy. I dunno if it's the difference between modern vs. 60's business culture or medicine/prosthetics or treatment of the disabled or what, but it seems strange to

The real secret to getting people to buy albums again
Amazon already has found the secret to getting me to buy albums again.

Things got really bad on the island
While in terms of story for our main characters, things don't seem to have been that horrible, you have to remember that of the still decently large group of survivors, the majority of them were slaughtered on the beach during that flaming arrow attack, a few others were blown up by

Way to take 'Confederacy of Dunces' down a peg. That was totally necessary.

The Art of the Analogy
The most interesting part of that special feature to me (or at least, the best part of what I could bother sitting through, which was maybe the first third), was seeing Larry lift the "you can prick your finger, but you can't finger your prick" joke from what is probably the most famous comedy

Good at being a boy adventurer
I liked how they really showed Dr. Venture being nimble and effective escaping from the Rustys.

If "two AV Club people talking about a thing" was a regular podcast of some sort, I would probably subscribe to that podcast.

It was Birdie. BIRDIE!
It was really classic Venture Brothers to, in the span of one episode, evolve Sgt. Hatred from a funny name and some pedophilia jokes to a legitimate villain playing weird mindfuck games with both Dr. Venture and The Monarch.

Mattingly? MATTINGLY? Mattingly never hit more than 35 home runs in a season, he didn't walk that much, and was already on the decline.

The Gourds and GBV
I'm kinda sad to see that you knocked The Gourds off, was it just that obligatory cover of "Gin and Juice" or actually one of their albums? One of my high school English teachers, the same guy who introduced me to a certain type of modern poetry (Bukowski, Randall Jarrell, etc.) and Flannery

I am glad this movie exists, but I can't say I liked it
I saw this movie and found it interesting and compelling in lots of parts, but overall found it frustrating.

I'm currently living in Pittsburgh, so I am super amused that Monroeville is the new area, since I could take a bus to the real place.

Dave Matthews
I was a jamband guy for most of high school, and Dave Matthews Band was actually one of the first bands I really went out of my way to specifically become a fan of. I don't like them that much anymore (although #41 is still a killer song), but I find them important in my own personal musical development

Ozymandias Nipples?
The Ozymandias suit looks like it belongs in mid 90s Batman movies. The sculpted muscles are awful, and it even has little areolae, if not the actual Bat-nipples themselves.

Slow Descent
*sigh*, I love Soul Coughing, and Doughty's first solo disc (Skittish) is one of my favorite albums of all time. I liked Haughty Melodic overall, but it showed some bad signs that sound like they might keep going on this album.

White people asking for this record
I thought everyone should have solved this for themselves when we all went out and bought ODB's magnum opus 'Nigga Please'.

Well, I stand corrected. Turns out those educational tv types know more about it than some schmoe on the internet, who knew?

The only song I've heard of Chavez' is off of a Schoolhouse Rock covers compilation. It's called "Little Twelvetoes", and I find it remarkably terrifying. It's just a concept that was a bit too complicated to really put in a Schoolhouse Rock song, and then they layer extremely ominous guitars over the thing.