
Godel Escher Bach
I wouldn't feel too bad about GEB. I hang out with a lot of computer scientists, logicians and theoretical mathematicians, and I don't think a single one of them was ever able to finish Godel Escher Bach straight through. At best, one seems to read it over the period of a few months to a few years,

The guy who lives in the basement/sewer lair in Real Genius was a fairly accurate depiction of computer hackers.

people who watch late night cartoons/comedy shows are considered hipsters now?

I'd love to think it was, but I am pretty sure it wasn't. This was a pure case of dilettantism biting me in the ass, I probably wouldn't have known about the thing at all if I wasn't a huge Dismemberment Plan nerd.

In the relative anonymity of the internet, I can admit this secret shame.

The vinyl to ipod issue is why, if you read the news blurb better, you see indie labels doing the combined vinyl/digital thing, where they send you mp3s along with the records.