
And apparently all lily white…?

Did anyone think that Logan's nightmares were evolving into some mind-meld with another dimension? It hit me that the last of seemingly-endless scenes with JEAN GREY - "You put me here… I'm all alone." - Logan's dreams/visions were actually connecting with JEAN'squasi-dead limbo state. He was supposedly dying after

And what @avclub-94dd620719b07efc1500cb2ec985505a:disqus said.

I'm not getting why folks are complaining that the first paragraph of the review is about SAMSUNG vs. iPhone. The whole marketing campaign - this whole "new rules" B.S. - was built around the Galaxy app giving early access to the album. Hova got Billboard to legitimize the 1 million pre-sold albums with Samsung's

Gotta agree with you. After just being introduced to her via this very site, getting loaded up on her previous work, and seeing her live 3X during her NYC shows. Then buying the singles: WARSAW is still the most infectious track for me; CALL OF YOUR GHOST was the one I was seeking since she rocked them live.

Yeah you'd think that GEORAPHIC ISOLATION would be a smart way to move uninfected people to safety, you know, versus floating on an aircraft carrier, before heading to refugee camps but hey…

I'm trying to get at what SMART DECISIONS you saw. The narrative lumped along - with a threadbare lazy plot - that allowed these characters to seem like they're making smart decisions. I frankly checked out when GERRY chooses to go into an apartment building after looting the supermarket. Or was it before then, when

You can always upate the geopolitics post-W. Like HUNGER GAMES, it was about getting the biggest audience for a movie made this big: the least amount of gore, while retaining the dread and viral dangers, was the answer.

OKAY OKAY. SO if the destruction of Metropolis is nothing new - COMICS AREN'T MOVIES right? - WAS THE MOVIE NOTHING NEW?

As I wrote to you in your earlier comment, I got the darker, more grounded take on Superman's origins - and the start of Clark Kent the Reporter. But the 3rd act violence issues are legitmate.

(Also to Mike1234) While I got that Superman was outnumbered, two issues came to me upon seeing this thing now 3x:

Aside from all the legit comments on ZOD's death following the ridiculous collateral damage to Metropolis - which I have an issue with - isn't this discussion just a result of the filmmakers' re-staging the origin story that ignores the core being and spirit of Superman?

The film is trying to say that - because the Daily Planet trio were farther away when LOIS and CLARK land, then kiss - they actually DON'T KNOW that CLARK is Superman. Note, even the military somehow didn't have or know KAL-EL's identity. Even with all of the forensic technology that's available to them, long before

Okay okay. Fitting in my Manifesto of STID Bitching:

Well you know it's San Francisco. And, you know, they already experienced a near-blackhole Ground Zero with Nero's space drill. So hey, a giant StarFleet ship crashing is okay in comparison. They're just used to shit happenin' in SF.

And let's not talk about the continued use of stair-step mazes to get to the warp core. Or anywhere in Engineering for that matter. Need that "dangerous" threat to mortality with falling cannisters, and hanging on a bannister until someone saves you.

Upon a 2nd viewing I got that KHAN was discovered with the rest of his crew, and awakenedirst. Meaning that MARCUS knew about the hidden crew members. That's why he put the exact 72 of them on the Enterprise. The rub was that he needed a gung-ho captain willing to go on a military rout. KIRK showed up with the will

This was the only strength of the film, aside from the pretty visuals. This relationship being strengthened and understood.

Saw it a 2nd time yesterday. He killed 40-plus folks at the archive, if that's what you mean. And the whole "war criminal" stuff was ridiculous. No detail whatsoever - from 300 years ago - on what that meant for today's audience. Just lazy cribbing from original, iconic material for the sake of character motivation.

RE: your 2nd paragraph. Exactly. Though I'm gonna put up my own comment after I read through the rest. It's conveniently idiotic (while maybe par for the course for sci-fi and/or this franchise) that not only do both JJA's Trek films have high-tech multi-billion (currency) equipment fall onto or near San Francisco -