
Good enough for me! Bring on the grotesque rape and dismembering. Violate her with a spiked club! Maybe eat her sexual organs like real serial killers do, you know, cause it's real (I'm not kidding). Exciting! Can't wait to read about it!

Woohoo! I have enough for five!

It was 3D!

You could write for the avclub!

She didn't marry the director? Shocking.

When eleven novels and 23 years isn't enough time to tell your story, death comes to finish it for you.

"assuming the academy will be simply unanimously choose"

She was going to follow it up with "Have you ever met [your crush]?" The "is he still alive?" is because KBVS is so ancient that any crush she had when she was young is endanger of being dead from old age.

Good review!

I imagine $25 million was going toward the ridiculous cgi spider at the end.

They look like little vampires in that photo.

Beautiful looking game.

I'm dying to find out how it's going to end.

Maggie is a dreamgirl.

She's too old to play a 55 year old woman.

This is racist!

Sounds like this reviewer is a bleeding heart liberal.

It's about making money right? This is how you make money.

"tape" is an anachronistic verb. "video" is better as most kids these days haven't even seen a video tape. Ah, getting old…

What's there to hate? "I hate that I have to read scripts into a microphone." That's right up there with "I hate that I have to breath. What an inconvenience!" I have a really hard time generating any sympathy for Shearer.