something something unctuous
something something unctuous
Is Kim Possible worth watching? It came out during a wonky time in my life and I missed the run. I hear a lot of good (and some bad) about it. I'm genuinely curious if its worth working through.
You missed the best part about that Rocko "Naked" episode.
I'm REALLY surprise with the amount of dislike on the character models people are mentioning here. Sure, they're a bit weird but compared to the CAL-ARTS "notebook doodle" styles of animation designs that came out in early 2000, this is practically Rembrant. They actually TRY to give these characters 3 dimensions!
Perhaps not -definitely- alcoholic, but she's clearly on some kind of drug.
Great moment. It's important to remember that even though there's a very strong adult worldview in the show, that these characters are still kids, very lost and are in need of help. Funny how a simple hug sums it up so well.
I knew something was wrong with Ahh!, even when I was young. It started with promise, but then it got way to frantic and chaotic with no skill to control it all, and when The Grumble (or whatever he was called) started appearing EVERYWHERE like some kind of shitty mentor-god, I knew it there was something problematic…
This kind of sounds like that underrated fake-reality TV show that was hosted by Michael Ian Black years ago. I only caught an episode, but I loved it, if only because the talking-head segments were just there for the comedian/contestants to tell lame jokes. I just thought that was hysterical.
This whole thread is dildos
I really, REALLY want to research why the scheduling of animated shows are so completely fucked. Not only with the DC Nation block, but also with pretty much every cartoon ever. (Where's Gravity Falls!?) CN, Disney, Nick, and even the Hub will air their cartoons willy-nilly, making it virtually impossible to keep up…
This. Dick Tracy isn't a hard game, just that it required a different playing style than most people today are used to - a lot of patience and play-throughs. There's a trick to exiting the car immediately before the roof snipers can hit you, and understand they can only fire in 8 directions. The thugs move in…
The "weird and inconsistent" gun restrictions is exactly why the government "lost track of the guns*" in Arizona in the first place.
The "weird and inconsistent" gun restrictions is exactly why the government "lost track of the guns*" in Arizona in the first place.
Can you, like, run for the head of the NRA or something, please?
Can you, like, run for the head of the NRA or something, please?
Also, CGI cartoons kinda-sorta took over that niche, that happens to have a fairly decent crossover appeal.
Also, CGI cartoons kinda-sorta took over that niche, that happens to have a fairly decent crossover appeal.
Interesting people are talking about this. HA and HA2 aren't cartoons, and they aren't really "cartoony" even during the slapstick moments, but I wonder if these moments (the brick, the electrocution) took you out of the film not necessarily because they were a bit sick, but they pushed the internal logic too far.